Tell us about a talent, experience, contribution, or personal quality you will bring to the University of California
I have some special qualities to bring into the U.C. system. A positive attitude is one characteristic that I have; I always get along with everyone and I know of no one that dislikes me. There has never been conflict between my teachers and me.
I am a very compassionate person as well; I am concerned when with the welfare of others. When a friend has a problem I always try to find a way to help him or her. I am a person who sets good examples, and advises others to take the right action.
One special quality about me is that I have a strong determination in my classes, and I learn from my mistakes. When I earn low test grades, for example, I realize that I hadn’t studied the material thoroughly and on the next test, I make sure I cover all the material and that I understand it well. Giving up is not an option to me; I try my hardest to do whatever it takes to fix a problem.