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Dhurakijpundit University Scholarship Essay

Dhurakijpundit University Scholarship Essay
Prompt: Once you have successfully completed your study program under the Dhurakijpundit University Scholarship, besides teaching at Dhurakijpundit University, what do you plan to contribute to the growth and development of the university?“DPU’s educational philosophy can be

characterized by the adages: “Business professionals help build the nation.” and “Work purifies the soul” Our mission then, is to develop graduates who are competent in the many and varied skills required in business and administration and who possesses high moral values.” [Dhurakijpundit University’s Mission Statement, 2002]

To help the university to fulfil its mission and pave its way to grow internationally, I intend to bring my insight and workable practices concerning the research training and educational programme development from one of the top 3 UK business schools to Dhurakijpundit University (DPU) in addition to my teaching works. A brief detail about these two aspects can be illustrated in the following paragraphs.

As every university is aware, ‘research and development’ are the crux of success factors of any institutions providing higher education. They are the foundation on which the studying programmes, whether undergraduate or postgraduate, will effectively be built They also provide the knowledge competence which can be employed to compete with other global players in the higher-education market. Clearly, a university that wish to stand on the front line cannot afford to ignore them.

As a doctoral student of the Warwick Business School (WBS), I can realise the importance of these mentioned determinants very well. In this environment, I have gotten a good opportunity to be trained by experienced professors in the world-class research tradition and style which render WBS the top research rating (5*) in the UK. Besides, I have also been involved with teaching activities in the business school whose teaching quality was also rated ‘excellent’ by the UK Government. These are unimitable know-hows and experiences which I will contribute to DPU to help it to attain a sustainable growth in a similar fashion as WBS has done.

In summary, the insights about research activities as well as studying programme management, which I have continuously gained from these top masters, will definitely be valuable when they are to be applied to DPU. Also, I am confident that I can integrate these know-hows with DPU’s existing core competencies in an efficient and consistent manner to guarantee a successful implementation in the future.