Gay pride! It is a statement that brings forth a very touchy argument in politics today. Of the many current issues in American politics today, one that seems to stay at the top of the list is the issue of same-sex marriage. Should same-sex marriages be legalized in the United States? Some say no, because it goes against tradition, religion, and much more, while others, gays and straights alike,
believe yes, because it will bring equality to all. The answer to this question, however, if this country were to follow the ideals of those who walked before, should be “no.” It seems that as time goes on, however, Americans tend to drift farther and farther away from the ideals and morals that were held by its forefathers. Same-sex marriage should not be made legal because of what it stands for sin an immorality, goes against the Christian religion and the traditional marriage, and may lead to the acceptance of a lifestyle that is not culturally normal.
The first British colonists who settled in America were Protestants and Puritans who were searching for religious freedom from the Church of England. It should be no surprise then, that the United States Constitution was put in place to protect this religious freedom. If the Constitution was set in place to protect all religions, why then would America try to pass a law that goes against at least one religion: Christianity? In the Christian religion, homosexuality is viewed as evil and sinful. The Bible says in I Corinthians 6:9-10, “Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God (The Bible, 1st Corinthians 6:9-10).” This nation is supposed to be “One nation, under God” but yet it seems some are fighting for a cause that goes completely against God and the Christian religion.
The legalization of same-sex marriage will cause homosexuals to go further into the sinful lifestyle in which they already participate in. It will give gays an “incentive for them to remain trapped in a lie” (Rios par. 8). America must treat homosexuals with love and compassion in order to help them to overcome the gripping temptations of homosexuality. “Treat others as you wish to be treated.” This is the “golden rule” in which American children are taught in schools and churches. This pertains to the treatment of homosexuals as well. Without love and compassion, homosexuals will be unwilling to change their sinful ways.
In the Declaration of Independence, it is stated that all people are created equal and have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. In other words, everyone is free to live their life as they choose and desire, including homosexuals, however, “by insisting that the law create a counterfeit version of marriage, [homosexuals] are looking to use government power to force [their lifestyle] on everyone” (Rios par. 9).
The media is one of the leading tools in the fight for the legalization of same-sex marriage. Dr. Mark Hartman states in his sermon, The Truth about Homosexuality, “The media has become obsessed with pushing the homosexual lifestyle to the front and center of our culture.” Television shows and movies are starting to contain homosexuality more and more. And, “In every case, the homosexual is depicted in a positive light, and anyone who disagrees with that lifestyle is depicted in a negative light” (Hartman 1). An example of this is the television show, Will and Grace. In this series, a gay man and a straight woman live together in perfect harmony. It portrays Will as a normal American citizen with a high-end job (lawyer). The only catch is that he is gay. America is able to sympathize and accept his lifestyle because he’s funny and charming. As far as Americans are concerned, he is just another human being. Media propaganda is being used as an effective tool to brainwash the public in sympathizing with and accepting homosexuality. The media is using a tactic of normality; the more America sees this “acceptable” view of homosexuality, the easier it is to accept it. This propaganda technique is being used so effectively with one sided figures that Americans fail to see the dark side of this lifestyle because it is practically nonexistent in the mainstream of media. Americans are not shown the gross, immoral sexual lives homosexuals actually live. We do not see the many diseases that transmitted by participation in such a lifestyle.
Diseases such as AIDS, Herpes, Hepatitis, and many, many more are very common in the gay community. In 2004, an estimated 415,193 people were living with AIDS in the United States. Of that number, 77% were male and of that percentage, 58% were men who had sex with other men (Noble 1). Although mainstream media portrays homosexuals as all being talented, creative, smart, cute, sweet, and funny, this is not how all actually are. Not all gays dress and act as they are portrayed on television. In fact, gays are pretty, ugly, smart, unintelligent, well dressed, ill dressed, nice, rude, funny, unfunny, and hold jobs from high-end executives to auto shop mechanics. They are just like every other American in most aspects except for their sexual preference. Some homosexuals have kept their homosexuality hidden so well, not even their family and friends are aware of it.
Another factor in the wide acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle is the mistaken belief that sexual orientation is determined at birth. In other words, people are born either homosexual or heterosexual, it is not a choice. Researchers said that they had found a gene pattern linked to male homosexuality in July of 1993. Principle Researcher, Dean Hamer, a homosexual himself as well as a homosexual political activist, stated, “This study shows that sexual orientation is powerfully influenced by inherited genes. This is the strongest evidence to date that there is an important genetic component to sexual orientation” (Hartman 3).
Hamer’s article was given to the media who immediately provided quick and widespread coverage. Three years later, in 1996, Hamer’s co-author stated that Hamer “had selectively reported his data in ways that changed the conclusions of the study.” And later it was “admitted that no genetic link to homosexuality has been found after all” (Hartman 4). Many people have not heard this new news, however, because it was not as widely covered by the media as was the original statement that people are born homosexual.
Gays wish to have legal same-sex marriage for more reasons than just having the intangible benefits of enjoying the official title and the social privilege. There are many legal privileges and tangible benefits that come with marriage which gays are unable to receive due to the Defense of Marriage Act, which was passed in 1996 (Wolfson 4). In this act, “the government catalogued more than 1,049 ways in which married people are accorded special status under law…that makes more than 1,049 ways in which lesbian and gay couples are ripped off” (Wolfson 4). In other words, without a marriage license, same-sex couples are denied many of the benefits that normal couples take for granted. Benefits such as: social security, retirement, health care, and child custody. “A surviving civil union partner can be denied about $10,000 a year in federal Social Security benefits” (Sauer 9). Next to the benefits derived from marriage, gays wish to gain the public title of marriage for personal reasons as well.
Marriage…is a social statement, describing and defining one’s relationships and place in society. It is also a personal statement of commitment that receives public support and…has spiritual… and familial significance (Wolfson 4).
Gays want legal marriage in order to make their love public. Marriage is the way straight people talk of love and family (Wolfson 4). Gays want marriage for the same reason that straight people want to get married: for love and for commitment.
The legalization of gay marriage can harm the traditional version of marriage. Same-sex marriage will cheapen the real thing by causing marriage itself to lose support in the law and culture (Rios par. 2). Marriage has already been weakened by the legalization of divorce. Marriage has been historically defined as a contractual unit binding a couple in a lifelong relationship of love, service, and devotion (Kohm 82). If same-sex marriages are made legal, the ethical views toward homosexuality will be weakened even further. It will cancel the traditional view of marriage as being a binding union between two people in which “each must be of a different sex from the other, one male and one female” (Kohm 83). Same-sex marriage will also destroy the normal family settings by creating motherless and fatherless households. “Studies have shown that children raised in married households have the best chance for health and happiness” (Rios par. 6). By legalizing same-sex marriage, America will unwillingly teach future generations that sexual immorality and impurity is acceptable and normal.
By legalizing same-sex marriages, children will be taught, in schools, that homosexuality is normal and healthy, and may be placed in homosexual households (Rios par. 5). Society defines for its young what is normal and what is not (Gallagher 18). If children see same-sex couples, they will view that as a normal and acceptable lifestyle of relationships. Marriage is the “social and legal prominence [which] informs young lovers about the end toward which they aspire, the outward meaning of their most urgent, personal impulses” (Gallagher 19).
It is almost as if Americans are becoming too lazy or scared to stick up for their beliefs so instead they are simply accepting the immorality so that they can just go on with their daily lives. It seems that America has taken on the new belief system of, “if it makes them happy and does not directly affect me, it is ok and I will vote in favor of it.” On the flipside, however, it seems that Americans may be getting off of their couches in order to make their opinions heard. In 2000, 61% of Californians voted against same-sex marriage (Rios par. 10) and recent polls have shown that “Americans are beginning to wake up and realize that what they thought was a campaign of tolerance toward homosexuals is, in reality, a concerted effort to force them through government, media and corporate power to celebrate homosexuality” (Rios par. 11). When asked if same-sex marriage should be made legal in the United States 61% adults under the age of 30 said yes and 35% said no; among adults 65 and older, 18% said yes and 73% said no (Hertzberg par. 6). This shows how Americans really feel about the issue of same-sex marriage: for the most part they disagree. It seems that America may be realizing that the legalization of same-sex marriage is not the answer.
The reasons against the legalization of same-sex marriage far outweigh the reasons for it. The legalization of same-sex marriage may bring equality to the homosexual division in a country that has always been more kind to the heterosexual front, but it will forever change the morals and ideals that this country has fought to protect. It does seem, however, that this argument may be coming to a decisive end. Hopefully, America is coming to its senses to put a stop to this argument, and to say “no” to the legalization of same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriages can not be made legal because it stands for immorality and sin, will lead to the destruction of the traditional institution of marriage, goes against the Christian religion, and will cause the American society to overtime accept the immorality of homosexuality as normal and just.
Works Cited
Bible, New International Version, The. 1973. Colorado Springs, CO: International Bible Society, 1984. International Bible Society. 2005. 17 Oct 2005.
Gallagher, Maggie. “Normal Marriage: Two Views.” Marriage and Same-Sex Unions: A Debate. By Lynn D. Wardle, et al. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003. 13-21. NetLibrary. 2005. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. 14 Oct 2005
Hartman, Mark. “The Truth About Homosexuality.” Sugar Creek Baptist Church. Worship Center, Sugar Land, TX. 30 June 2005.
Hertzberg, Hendrick. “Comment: Wedding Blitz.” New Yorker 15 Mar 2004: 80.4: 61-62. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Blinn College. 23 Oct 2005
Kohm, Lynne Marie. “Marriage by Design.” Marriage and Same-Sex Unions: A Debate. By Lynn D. Wardle, et al. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003. 81-85. NetLibrary. 2005. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. 14 Oct 2005
Noble, Rob. “United States HIV & AIDS Statistics Summary.” 23 Nov. 2005. AVERT. 26 Nov. 2005
Rios, Sandy. “How Does Gay Marriage Hurt the Traditional Thing? Let’s Count the Ways.” Hispanic Mar 2004: 17.3: 70. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Blinn College. 23 Oct 2005
Sauer, Rachel. “Married…But Not.” Palm Beach Post 7 Mar 2004: 1D+. SIRS Researcher. Proquest. Blinn College. 23 Oct 2005
Wolfson, Evan. “All Together Now.” Marriage and Same-Sex Unions: A Debate. By Lynn D. Wardle, et al. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2003. 3-5. NetLibrary. 2005. OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. 14 Oct 2005