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System of Inquiry – Attunity Code of Business Conduct

The Attunity Code of Business Conduct lists the basic codes that are expected in any business and codes specific to Attunity. This system of inquiry will explore the guidelines listed below and others applicable to business decisions and the responsibilities of those entrusted with dealing with the problems that come with successfully managing a business. Extensive review of ethical guidelines is necessary to ensure all staff is aware of the ramifications of the lack of knowledge of this policy.

This code will be implemented effective immediately upon completion and approval. Training seminars and one on one sessions are available to clarify the change in policy and code. This code is effective companywide to all as previously stated at the beginning of this policy.

The attached copy of the Code of Business Conduct of Attunity has been used as the basis to the development of this paper. The existing code is standard and addresses the relevant issues. This paper will serve to develop the system in a more concise manner and lay out the framework for responsible behavior that all employees are expected to adhere to.

The system of inquiry adds responsibility in the decision making process and is a valuable resource when faced with problem solving and decision making. To ensure customers are receiving a product that is manufactured safely and ethically the employee must conduct business in the same manner. “Once employees are on board, many organizations aim to guide employees’ behavior through formal organizational value statements, mission statements, credos, policies, and formal codes of ethical conduct” (Treviño & Nelson, 2007, p. 272).

Policy Statement
All staff is expected to maintain knowledge of the guiding ideology of the corporation and a policy statement, in effect, seeks to guide all employees. An employee, in any position, is expected to act with integrity, speak truthfully, and believe in the values of this policy. Treat others with respect and expect the same. Lead by example in the face of difficulty and expect the same of others. Decision making is the main challenge of executives and it must be conducted in a manner that clear and concise. The function of managers and the ethical responsibility they hold is varied. Their main objective should be to problem solve and make decisions that can affect many in the organization. The resulting consequences of unethical behavior and decisions made under false pretenses can lead to legal challenges in the workplace.

a) Each decision that is considered an ethical challenge shall be discussed promptly with an immediate superior.
b) Personal issues are not considered excused for making unethical business decisions and each employee will be held accountable for their actions.
c) All laws and rules of the states in which business is operated are to be followed according. No law enforcement official, political figure or other authority figure shall supersede state regulations.

Policy Guidelines
In the absence of direct guidance this policy shall prevail. The necessary steps have to be taken to ensure policy guidelines are followed. As stated in the existing policy be aware of situations that may pull one into an unethical dilemma. Stay clear and report all violations as noticed. No one shall be treated any differently for bringing situations of this nature to the attention of management. Daily operations are to carried out in the manner in which is laid out in this policy. Conflicts of interest or social behavior which may cause a conflict of interest should be avoided.

a) Policy shall be reviewed semi-annually to avoid excuses or reasons to avoid following rules.
b) Follow guidelines closely when training new staff to ensure a greater chance of emulation of behavior.
c) Strive for the superiority and distinction the product is known for and promptly report any deviations from normal operations.
The finance department needs a strong adherence to company ethics as the slightest error in accounting could be seen as a major problem to shareholders who count on the company to deal fairly, ethically and with transparency. Any perceived unethical conduct must be reported immediately. Financial honesty is the hallmark of a successful corporation. Trust is integral to good business practices and transparent financial reporting is essential. Financial reporting must be precise; there is no room for numbers that are made to match and each reporting method is checked three times to ensure the consistency and accuracy that is strived for.

Accounting and Finance
a) Review all procedures with lower level employees monthly to ensure correct procedures are followed.
b) Report all suspected or actual cases of mishandling, misappropriation, or fraud.
Marketing, Advertising and Sales
Marketing and advertising is the cornerstone of the company. To effectively get the product to the consumer it has to be marketed in a clear and honest fashion. Transparency is one of the best choices when dealing with situations that require advertising. Truth and honesty is expected when marketing or selling products. If a sale has been conducted in an unethical manner it is to be reported immediately.

a) Outline material in a clear manner that will discourage the use of inappropriate methods in sales and advertising.
b) Marketing rules shall be clearly stated to clients, distributors, and suppliers and adhered to in a manner that upholds company ethics.
These changes in policy will be implemented immediately upon review of appropriate training and discussion. It is sometimes difficult to deviate from the normal pattern of procedures in business and changes often disrupt the workplace. In light of that fact, this policy will be open for discussion before final implementation. Employees are encouraged to submit ideas on policy guidelines that are appropriate to the area of work involved.
This paper has reviewed the Code of Business Conduct of Attunity and has recommended changes as outlined above. Policy guidelines, accounting and marketing has been reviewed and amended. The recommendations are to ensure the company continues to operate with the highest ethical standards.
Treviño, L. K. & Nelson, K. A. (2007). Managing business ethics: straight talk about how to do it right. (4th ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons