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How did Humanity Begin?

“How Did Humanity Begin” has been a question for over thousands of years. Well, finally, we have the answer, at least what I think the answer is. I believe mostly in the science of our world and universe. That includes the big bang theory and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. I am not saying that this is the best solution; it sounds to me the most likely. This question may seem unknown, but now we may know what happened.

Over 13 billion years or so, the universe began with a gigantic explosion called the Big Bang. Some Scientists think that this Explosion was caused by another universe collapsing, though some might disagree . I do agree with this. As the explosion happen, atoms and molecules were formed to create what is our universe today. The universe expanded and is still expanding. Then, our galaxy grew, but some scientists are saying that some stars in our galaxy have been here as long as the universe itself . So the age is as old as the universe. This may or may be true, but with the information I have gathered, I believe that this is what happened.

As the galaxy grew, our solar system came into view. This included our Sun and Earth. This was formed by dust clouds and particles to create the 8 planets and our sun . This would include Pluto, but Pluto is not a planet. After many more million years, our moon also formed from another planet crashing into earth and causing dust particles to form.

Finally, 4.6 billion year ago, the Earth was formed. This would be one of keys to human civilization. After all, we can’t survive unless there’s somewhere to live. Over time, the earth gave ways to volcanoes and oceans of magma . After several billion years, the oceans gave way to water. This would be the starting point for the human race.

The origins of life all started with microorganisms in the oceans. These species have been evolving. Since then new species like us Humans have evolved. Some people would disagree with what I say about evolution. They can have their own opinions.

As the newly formed organisms, were still evolving. They turned into primates, and apes . These early creatures are like squirrels and tree shrews. They started forming at the end of the Mesozoic era, near the end of the dinosaurs. The existing, very fragmentary fossil evidence (mostly from North Africa) suggests that they were adapted to an arboreal way of life in warm, moist climates. They probably were equipped with relatively good eyesight as well as hands and feet with pads and claws for climbing. Early primate-like mammals do not seem to have played an important role in the general transformation of terrestrial animal life immediately following the massive global extinctions of plants and animals that occurred approximately 65,000,000 years ago. The most dramatic changes were brought about by the emergence of large grazing and browsing mammals with tough hoofs, grinding teeth, and digestive tracts specialized for the processing of grass, leaves, and other fibrous plant materials.

As the new Primates were still evolving, they changed into another creature, called the Homo rudolfensis and Homo habilis . These new organisms’ bones have been found in east Africa dating back 2 million years. This suggests by scientists that these species were the first. Early transitional human fossils were first discovered in 1960 by Louis and Mary Leakey at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. The Leakeys named them Homo habilis (Latin for “handy or skilled human”) because they apparently made stone tools.

As the new Humans were evolving, some major events happened to earth. One such event was an ice age that happened about 600,000 years ago. This ice age was called Elster ice age.

After the ice age, humans started evolving more into species such as Neanderthals and Cro- magnons. They used more advanced technologies and weapons.

Finally, we have now evolved into the modern human. Though some people might disagree with my theory, you are entitled to your own opinions. This is how I feel and believe about how humanity exists today.


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