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Does Your Watch Keep Perfect Time?

In order to give an accurate answer to this question I will first need to set some perimeters; first of all define time. Time is a pre-established system, created by humankind, for describing the continuous passage of events. Time has as its basic unit the solar day, which is the average time it takes the Earth to complete one rotation around its axis. Another aspect of the question I have to define is perfect time being a relative term; perfect time depends on a specific location or time zone, but also on ‘who’ sets perfect time and how it is decided. Official time for all time zones is measured at the Greenwich Meridian (GMT) based on the Earth’s movements; therefore making this perfect time. Once we have set the perimeters is when theory of knowledge steps in. In order to claim you know your watch keeps perfect time you have to believe in it, it has to be a true and you have to be able to justify it.

How can we prove our statement is true? We can prove a statement true or false by applying any theory of truth; the pragmatic theory, the coherence theory or the correspondence theory. The pragmatic theory of truth states that what is good for you is true; we need our watch to keep perfect time to be able to function properly and to justify we do things on time therefore the statement ‘my watch keeps perfect time’ is true. As I mentioned earlier we set time according to the GMT, making it the pre-established system, therefore the statement is also true according to the coherence theory. On the other hand the correspondence theory is based on the theory that a statement is true when the concept matches the objective reality that it describes, but since time is in fact unreal we cannot apply this theory to our statement.

The first way to justify a statement you believe in and is true, such as ‘my watch keeps perfect time’ would be with logic; in this case we can use deductive logic and say – The time the news on the TV show is perfect time. My watch shows the same time that the TV therefore my watch shows perfect time. The second way to justify a statement would be through authority; Rolex watches are among the most accurate watches in the world, which is why my Rolex keeps perfect time.
After putting the statement ‘my watch keeps perfect time’ through the process of proving its true according to both pragmatic and coherence theory of truth and justifying the statement with logic and authority I can say this statement has become knowledge thus I can justifiably claim I know my watch keeps perfect time, although perfect time is not an objective reality.