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Martin the Warrior – Book Review Essay

Martin the Warrior – Book Review Essay

Fantasy novels come in many different genres. These genres are followed by many authors due to great appeal of that genre. Fantasy novels are a form of fiction in which magic or warriors are involved. Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques is a great example of a sword and sorcery novel. Each animal in Martin the Warrior has his own special talent that makes he or she more capable of than others.

Martin is a warrior mouse that has great strength and battle sense like no others. When in trouble he not only uses his strength but also his intelligence to sort everything out. Badrang the Tyrant, on the other hand, is a villainous leader that is all-powerful. All who follow him fear him greatly.

Sword and sorcery novels are very creative. The setting in Martin the Warrior creates a whole new world. The book is set in a fictional county called Mossflower. Marshank, which is where Badrang the Tyrant reigns, is a fort heavily guarded by archers and sword wielding villains. The setting is full of adventure. There are woods, caves, streams, and forts, all involving great creativity and adventure.

Sorcery is in the Martin the Warrior. There is a magical rabbit named Tibbar that makes others disappear. Afterwards he tells Badrang, “You see when Tibbar the magic rabbit performs magic, it is real!” He also manages to pull a string from one of the captain’s ear when the captain asks “Oh magical rabbit please come and show me more magic tonight.” The use of magic is in sword and sorcery novels.

All the creatures use medieval weaponry. Some creatures such as Martin and Badrang use the sword. Then there are those who use slings and bows. Then there are those such and Tibbar who uses magic as his weapon. No machinery whatsoever is involved. Fort Marshank is built like a castle with many sentry towers and heavy gates. Weaponry is not like today, with the use of guns and bombs.

Martin the Warrior is a natural sword and sorcery novel. The book’s use of animals as characters and medieval weaponry and magic makes you think how if it was outlined by the definition of sword and sorcery novel. Martin the Warrior is a good sword and sorcery novel.