Category: History

  • Biography of Julius Caesar

    Portrait head of Julius Caesar The adopted son of Julius Caesar, Augustus (63 B.C. – 14 A.D.) became the first emperor of Rome in 27 B.C., founding the Julio-Claudia dynasty. Many portraits of Augustus were erected throughout the empire in order to convey his political and social beliefs and to validate his claim to power.…

  • Tuskegee Experiment: Experimenting with the Human Body

    This is the cosmology in which we believe that God is a forgiving God. It is said that babies are gifts from God. A gift is defined as an endowment of quality or an attribute. As a baby grows from a child into an adult aren’t they still gifts? And do these gifts being that…

  • The Causes of the American Civil War

    The Civil War was the bloodiest conflict ever fought in U.S. History. This war had divided the American Nation between the North (which was designated ‘The Union’) and South (which was ‘the Confederacy’). The causes of this war are very wide ranged and debatable. However, the most debated, relevant, and obvious causes would include: Conflicts…

  • The Civil War: The Dissolution of the Union

    Missouri Applies for Statehood – 1819 in 1819, Missouri wanted to join the Union as a Slave State, even though Missouri is in the north. This move would make the balance of power in the Congress unequal. Many northerners were opposed to the idea. Northerners in Congress refused to pass the bill. Northerners proposed that…

  • Charlegmagne – Peace Throughout Western Europe

    Charlemagne restored order and peace throughout Western Europe during the middle ages after barbarians took over the entire region. Charlemagne launched a 30 year campaign and fought relentlessly to bring the European society to a civil state. What I find most admirable about Charlemagne was his ability and dedication to organizing all of Europe. I…

  • How did the Korean War affect the United States

    Americans are known for their conflict between the Soviet Union for the prevention of Communism. There were many events going on, such as the Cold War, the attempt of assassinating Fidel Castro, and competition between the United States and Soviet Union. However, the peak of the war of Communism happened during 1950s, where there was…

  • History of vietnam war in style of Herodotus

    An account of the American-Vietnamese War compiled through inquiry by Preston of Clarksville. Written so that these men may always find glory in the hearts of men. Americans say that they intervened because they wanted to prevent “human rights abuses”, but now, among most learned men, it is commonly agreed upon that they feared the…

  • Biography of Che Guevera

    Ernesto “Che” Guevara is a revolutionary legend and international icon. The man known simply as Che has left a lasting impression on society. From his revolutionary status to his undying determination, Che has exceeded the expectations of not only his superiors and disciples of his time but those who were born much later as well.…

  • Five Perils That Challenged Christopher Columbus

    America was discovered by an Italian explorer known as Christopher Columbus. Columbus was a navigator, colonizer, and explorer. His expeditions across the Atlantic Ocean were funded by the Spanish Crown. Columbus reached the Americas on his fourth voyage in 1502. Although his trip was successful, there were many troubles he faced along the way. Wind…

  • Compare and Contrast Locke to Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes and John Locke were two of the greatest political and philosophical thinkers of their time and ours. Ideas like these have shaped governments throughout history and still hold true today. They had extremely different views on government, but the bases of their arguments were similar. They used reason to justify their ideas, rather…

  • The Values of Freedom and Liberty

    Throughout the course of the development of western civilization, there have been varying amounts of political changes and revolutions that have come to shape the world as we know it. Topics that were of importance in the past are still just as important to take into consideration during the present day, and lay out a…

  • Manifest Destiny

    Though the actual term “Manifest Destiny” was coined in 1845 by John O’Sullivan a democrat leader and the editior of “The Morning Post”. It was a concept going back to when the pilgrim fathers landed at Plymouth Rock. From the very first settlements in America the pilgrims, the settlers at Jamestown and all along the…

  • Mythical Place/Object Paper

    “According to the legend, Merlin supposedly magically transported Stonehenge from Ireland to England” (The Mystica, para. 28). A major mythological reference to Stonehenge includes Arthurian lore and concerns the magician Merlin. “The name “Stonehenge” means hanging stones” (The Mystica, para. 2). The Saxons gave this name to the monument while medieval writers also referred to…

  • Biography of Colonel Chivington

    Colonel Chivington was a broad and beastly man. He was tall, yet not. He was kind, yet horrible. He loved his people, but hated the indians, those poor indians. COlonel Chivngton felt that the sioux tribe was especially annoying becasue they loved nature. They loved trees. They loved rocks. They loved each other. They mounted…

  • The Salvaging Operation of the U.S.S. Oklahoma

    Raised From the Depths: The Salvaging Operation of the U.S.S. Oklahoma The sound of thunder echoed over Pearl Harbor, except there was not a cloud in sight on the morning of December 7, 1941. The sound was that of torpedoes and bombs that were being dropped by the Japanese Imperial Navy on a surprise and…

  • De Gaulle’s veto to British accession to EEC

    Charles de Gaulle, the French president successfully vetoed Britain’s accession to the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1963 and 1967. In this research paper I wish to look at some of the reasons and experiences, which influenced de Gaulle in his decision. But before enlisting the causes let us see why was then a need…

  • Joseph Stalin Childhood and Early Years

    Joseph Stalin, probably the man with the highest record of mass murders in history, with about 20 million deaths1, posed himself as the man who would take Russia from its bad government and wars to restore it and make it an advanced country. His desire of greatness and possession made him commit terrible crimes in…

  • War and Peacemaking

    Throughout the course of this semester we learned a lot about war and peacemaking in this class. Knowing about wars and peace in the Orthodox Church is very important to any Orthodox Christian. Christ taught us to turn away from evil and evil works of the devil and demons. The church also forbids any clergy…

  • Biography of Erwin Rommel

    Erwin Rommel also known as the German “Desert Fox,” maybe known for the best German general ever. He was known mostly for his brilliant tactics and his ability to anticipate opponents. Even our own American General Winston Churchill said his enemy was very skilled and good.

  • The Story of Pocahontas and John Smith

    The story of Pocahontas and John Smith is one of the most famous tales in American history. It has endured for 400 years now and over the years become something of a legend. Since the story first occurred many of the facts have been twisted, confused, or shrouded in mystery. The latest version of the…

  • Cold War Changes Between 1949 and 1950

    The cold war is the period which was marked by the tension and rivalry between the communist block and the capitalist block. The communist block included the superpower Soviet Union and its allies while the capitalist block included the United States of America and its allies. The rivalry between the two blocks involved situations such…

  • What is Peaceful Coercion?

    Coercion is defined as the power to use force in gaining compliance, as a government or a police force. So therefore, peaceful coercion is to gain compliance in a peaceful matter. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison attempted to enforce the idea of peaceful coercion. In other words, Jefferson and Madison wanted to avoid any confrontation…

  • Three-Fifths Compromise

    The Three-Fifths compromise was a compromise between the Southern and Northern states reached during the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 in which three-fifths of the population of slaves would be counted for enumeration purposes regarding both the distribution of taxes and the apportionment of the members of the House of Representatives. (Wikipedia contributors, 2008) The question…

  • Torture in Modern Society Essay

    “Woman soldier in Iraq committed suicide, upset over torture of prisoners” (Anonymous 6). Such a headline instantly strikes the reader’s mind by bringing them an idea of how harsh torture can be these days. During the war on terror in Iraq, several American troops used a variety of severe torture methods on prisoners of war.…

  • The Jungle – by Upton Sinclair

    Upon first reading Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle,” I was quite disturbed to see what was going on with the meat packing industry. It was disgusting and unbelievable that there were no sanitation rules and regulations required during this time. I am glad that Sinclair was able to bring this problem to