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Thoughts on Christmas Eve

Wow, it’s another Christmas Eve, but this time, it’s the one of the year 2010. It’s a beautiful evening and I was feeling inspired to just leave every single thing that I was doing to come write this down. It’s coming straight from the heart.

As I walked around my home, a few days ago, I realized that this Christmas season isn’t as much fun as the others have been. At first, I thought that it was just me and everyone in my home who wasn’t in the Christmas spirit, but the other day, I decided to go out and I realized that I wasn’t the only one with the feeling, the city also wasn’t alive as it ought to be, I kept wondering what is going on? Is it the economy or what?

Then, this blessed Christmas Eve, I started doing what I know how to do best, fantasizing and recollecting. I began to fantasize about a perfect Christmas holiday, how perfect everything ought to be and when I was done with that, I started to recollect all the great but not perfect past Christmas holidays that I’ve had and the fun that came with it. But as I was in this crazy state of mind, something dawned on me and it was that I should enjoy the moment before it passed me by.

Then, all of a sudden I stopped and I got myself back to reality, back to the present. I stopped complaining about how boring this Christmas season has been. I realized that even if I might not be having as much fun as I wanted, there’s much to be grateful for. Just the other day, I got sad news about the passing away of someone whom I used to know. I began to realize how this gift of life we take so much for granted could be easily taken away.

Now, I’m in my bedroom just typing and thinking alongside. Normally, since this is Christmas Eve, I would be outside looking at the stars, making and receiving phone calls, sending and receiving text messages, or watching a movie with my family and probably making preparations for tomorrow, Christmas day. But I’m compelled to just sit back and take a break from my normal routine and thank God for the year so far. It’s been such a great year; I had the best time in school, spiritually, academically, and socially. My family also has been so blessed by God in many ways and I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for, so why complain.

So now, I’ve decided to enjoy the present and thank God for everything he has done for me. I’m surrounded by the best people in the world and I ought not to complain about how boring things are, I’ve to make things as much fun as I want them to be. I have decided to give as much love as I can possibly give, God gives us little chances everyday to show kindness to people, so why not use the opportunities you have to put laughter into the hearts of others and you’ll realize that you too will definitely laugh and have a smile on your face.

So, all I’ve been trying to say is don’t keep thinking about how things can get better, make things better, be thankful for everything, both the good and the bad because you know when there’s life, there’s definitely hope. Above, let’s all try and learn the lesson of living in the present and also taking time to enjoy the moment because it’s all we’ve got for now. Merry Christmas, everyone, enjoy the holidays.