Border Wall – An Issue to Solve

Out of the never-ending list of issues between the United States and Mexico, illegal immigration into the United States is the most important. If Mexico is the would help its citizens by opening new job opportunities there would be less people coming to

the United States illegally. The Border Wall is not the best solution to stop Mexicans from coming to the United States illegally; it would probably encourage more Mexicans to try to cross the Wall just to prove to the United States that Mexicans can still immigrate to the United States.

The idea of having a physical barrier between the United States and Mexico is redundant. The Wall will separate two countries that have been like sisters for decades. I do not believe in the construction of the Wall because it will be a waste of money and aside from that, Mexicans work like mules in exchange for less than the minimum wage, something that a person who is fired from an eight-dollar an hour job will do.

If the United States would help Mexico instead of fighting it, things would be much better for both countries. In the Valley, many Mexicans work for less than the minimum wage in houses and downtown stores. This has been done for decades. Why? Because citizens will not do that job, but still say that Mexicans have come to the United States to take there jobs from them. The U.S can help Mexico by creating enterprises and factories in Mexico. By doing this, the United States creates cheap labor and helps U.S and Mexico’s economy; it will also reduce the illegal immigration into the United States.

Another way to help solve immigration issues in the valley would be by granting working permits to Mexicans who want to work in the United States. For those Mexicans who are granted permission to work in the United States, taxes should be charged as if they were citizens. This will also help our economy and Mexico’s. Of course, some safety procedures like background checks should be done in order to grant the working permits.

The United States would solve immigration issues not by building the Wall, but by creating more job opportunities in the United States and Mexico and charging taxes to those who decide to work in the United States.

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