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Albert Einstein Enlightened The World With His Innovation – Physics Research Paper

Albert Einstein Enlightened The World With His Innovation – Physics Research Paper
Albert Einstein, a brilliant scientist, enlightened the world with his innovative ideas. Even though he didn’t get good grades in school, he still became one of the
greatest scientific minds in history. Since he invented

so many new theories and ideas, he revolutionized the world of science.
Albert Einstein moved quite a bit when he was young. On March 14, 1879 Albert Einstein was born, and a year later he moved to Munich, Germany (“Einstein, Albert”). At seven years old Einstein started school in Munich, Germany. Before he went to school he got religious lessons at home in which he learned Judaism (“Albert Einstein,” www.groups.dcs). Then in 1895 Albert’s father’s, business failed and the Einstein’s moved to Milan, Italy. Einstein, still in his teenage years, stayed behind to finish his schooling, but he got expelled and had to go back with his family. When Albert was older he moved to Switzerland and got citizenship there. He was hoping to be an electrical engineer at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Unfortunately he failed the examination test (“Albert Einstein,” www.groups.dcs).
While Einstein was at the Luitpold Gymnasium in Munich, Germany he hated it. The German spirit that was there and their strict discipline policy disgusted Albert. He studied the Bible at home, but he lost interest in religion when he found that he liked science and math better (“Albert Einstein,” Einstein played the violin from ages six to thirteen (“Albert Einstein,” www.groups.dcs). Young Albert hated practicing just like anyone else, but he soon found a good reason for playing scales and exercises. It was found in the work of Mozart. Albert loved his music and wanted to be able play his music (Oldfield 3).
When Einstein was young he didn’t like sports and he didn’t play with the other boys. Instead he put together jigsaw puzzles, built card towers, played with mechanical toys, and studied nature. He loved to learn and was fascinated by science and math. One time when Albert was sick in bed his father gave him a compass. The young boy asked, “Why does the needle point north?” Hermann, his father, didn’t know the answer even though he was a well-educated adult (“Albert Einstein,” Albert asked many questions and deliberately talked slowly because he always stopped think. Because he was so different his governess nicknamed him “Pater Langweil” which means father bore (Oldfield 2).
Both sides of Einstein’s family had lived in Germany for more than a century. Einstein’s father was Hermann Einstein. He had a black mustache and was calm and friendly. Pauline Koch was Albert’s mother. The Koch’s and the Einstein’s usually made money by selling cloth, farming, and clerking in banks. For fun they would go boating down the Danube river and walk in the woods.
Albert Einstein’s family had great musical talent. Pauline, Einstein’s mother, was an excellent pianist and loved to play Beethoven’s piano sonatas. Albert’s younger sister, Maja, was born when Albert was two years old (Oldfield 3). Having a strong physical resemblance and a great deal in common, Albert and Maja were close throughout their lives. Maja also played the piano very well and probably played duets with Albert. When Maja was older she married a man by the name of Paul Winterler. Jakob was Einstein’s brother, but little is known about him (“Albert Einstein,”
The family physician’s brother, Max Talmey, was a close family friend. Often he would come and eat dinner with the Einstein’s. One day Mr. Talmey introduced Albert to the People’s Books on Natural Science. Einstein loved the books and as he read and studied them, he learned more about the world around him. Albert also had an uncle who taught him the basics of Algebra and his teaching methods helped Albert learn quickly and thoroughly (Oldfield 3).
In the early 1900’s Einstein started his own family. Einstein married his university sweetheart Mileva Maric who was a mathematician. The family consisting of Einstein, Mileva, his sons Eduard, and Hans Albert moved to Berlin in 1914. Mileva wasn’t happy with life in Berlin and moved to Switzerland. Due to the separation, Mileva and Albert got a divorce. After the divorce Einstein lived with his great uncle and later married his second cousin Elsa Lowenthal (“Einstein, Albert”). When he married his second cousin his Jewish roots were renewed. He became a supporter of Zionism and because anti-Semitism was getting bigger in Germany, Einstein became a large target for prejudice. Rumors were even being spread about groups plotting to kill Albert (“Albert Einstein,”
Around the early 1920’s Albert received the Nobel Prize of Physics. Einstein gave his ex-wife Mileva the $45,000 prize money to help support her. His oldest son, Hans Albert, liked his father and thought he was a good man. Hans Albert saw his father quite a bit and enjoyed his company. Eduard, his youngest son, began reading Shakespeare at age 5. He lived with his mother, Mileva until she died (“Albert Einstein,”
Due to all the studying and research he had done, Albert Einstein was a master Physicist. One of the biggest things he came up with was the Theory of Relativity. He got many awards for it and it was probably his greatest accomplishment. The theory says that the laws of physics had to have the same form in every place they were. It also said that the speed of light was the same everywhere. In it he also proposed that mass and energy were equal. In 1919 the British started studying solar eclipses and what they found confirmed the Theory of Relativity. A newspaper called The London Times ran a headline that read, “Revolution in science-New Theory of the Universe-Newtonian ideas overthrown.” They were just one of the many newspapers that put Einstein’s theory on their front page (“Albert Einstein,” www.groups.dcs).
Einstein’s Theory of Relativity didn’t earn him the Nobel Prize. The committee over the Nobel Prize didn’t mention anything about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, but said, “For your photoelectric law and your work in the field of theoretical physics” (“Einstein, Albert”). Even though he’d earned the prize he wasn’t around to receive it because he was in Japan. He also earned the Copey Medal of the Royal Society in 1925 and the Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1926 (“Albert Einstein,” www.groups.dcs).
Although Albert Einstein didn’t play a direct role in the making of the Atomic Bomb, his formula, E=mc2, set the course for it. Einstein was a pacifist and didn’t like war. When he heard that the bomb was going to be used against Japan he wrote a letter to President Roosevelt, begging him not to use it. The President ignored him and the bomb was dropped. After the war had ended Einstein said, “The war is won, but the peace is not,” (Albert Einstein Albert Einstein died, due to natural causes, on April 18, 1955 when he was 76 years old (Einstein, Albert).
Albert Einstein was a brilliant scientist who enlightened the world with his many new ideas. Einstein is one of the most brilliant men in the history of the Earth. He was a good person and didn’t approve of violence or war. His theories, ideas, and formulas have had an awesome affect on mankind.