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Narnia Symbolism

The symbolism in the novel/film “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” written by C.S. Lewis resembles the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In the beginning of the story there are four children, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy who later on are introduced to more characters. The White Witch symbolizes the Devil and the evil she has put over Narnia is symbolized in the cold snowy weather. When the children enter Narnia, Edmund betrays his brother and sisters by going to the White Witch telling her that he has brought them to Narnia. He did this because the White Witch promised him Turkish delight and power, but she lied and took him captive. Edmund represents all mankind who has betrayed Christ from birth and who Jesus died for on the cross.

Man is led away by the enticements of this world and becomes selfish and fallen from the standards of Christ. Because of his betrayal, he is also been compared to Judas of the New Testament and Adam in the Garden of Eden. When Peter, Susan, and Lucy follow the beavers to safety from the White Witch, they learn about the returning of Aslan, the lion. Aslan is the one that will rise against the evil of the White Witch and bring peace and love back into Narnia. Aslan represents Jesus Christ, the savior. As Aslan returns to Narnia, the snow covering all of Narnia begins to melt and spring returns, which indicates that evil is diminishing and the spirit of Christ is spreading. Later in the story, Edmund is rescued from the White Witch and brought back to a camp to be with his brother and sisters. This camp is where the forces of good in Narnia are preparing for a war against the forces of evil lead by the White Witch. At the camp Aslan talks to Edmund alone and tells him that his sins are forgiven and forgotten. When the White Witch orders a meeting with Aslan, she demands Edmund be given back to her due to the laws of Traitors. Instead of returning Edmund back to the White Witch, Aslan makes a deal with the White Witch to offer his life in return for Edmund’s freedom. On the night of Aslan’s sacrifice, Susan and Lucy accompany him. After Aslan is killed by the White Witch, Susan and Lucy stay with his body.

Susan and Lucy symbolize the women who stayed with Jesus through his crucifixion and death. The returning of Aslan signifies the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since Aslan was not there to lead the forces of good into battle, Peter was given that responsibility. Peter leading the good forces into battle symbolizes the Apostle Peter who becomes the leader of the Christian church after Jesus Christ’s ascension. After the forces of evil are defeated and the children are crowned as Kings and Queens of Narnia, Aslan leaves. The leaving of Aslan symbolizes the Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven only to return later. To a greater extent, C.S. Lewis’s novel, “The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe”, reinforces the Christian ideal that through Jesus Christ’s love and guidance man will ultimately triumph over evil.