Importance of Eating Healthy

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“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art” ” Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613 – 1680). Eating is necessary in order to live; but to eat with knowledge is a talent in it self. Unhealthy eating is one of the fastest growing health risks today. Obesity is a contributing factor which leads to many deadly illnesses and is spreading throughout the nation. There is a way to stop this killer and healthy eating is the cure. Healthful Eating will help one to live longer and give one the confidence needed in knowing that body is at its best. Making small changes in every day eating habits will enable people to move forward towards a healthier body and lifestyle.

It is important that we eat healthily. To do this we have to have what is called “a diet.” To have a healthy diet, we have to make sure we eat the right kinds of foods. Nutritious foods are very beneficial; nutrients help us to grow, keep our bodies in good repair, and help us to stay fit and active. Healthful foods provide necessary nutrients to our body. Nutrients are a key factor to obtain energy so our muscles work properly, our brain remains active and our hearts continue to beat. Furthermore, “nutrients help build and strengthen bones, muscles, and tendons and regulate body processes, such as blood pressure” (WebMD 2005-2008).

Living longer is what most people strive for. For countless people, it is a struggle to succeed at eating healthy. For others, this success comes naturally. “By committing to eat healthier, one will reduce their risk of many chronic diseases” (Barston, S., Toscano M., & Arthur, S., 2008). Studies show that reducing daily caloric intake to nineteen hundred will increase life expectancy by up to fifteen years. Research has also proven that reducing personal calorie consumption and choosing to eat the right foods on a daily basis can make a positive impact on an individuals’ well-being. Cutting calories and making healthier choices will give one more energy and stamina (Barston, S., Toscano M., & Arthur, S., 2008). With more energy, it is likely that one will become more active, which is a key element to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Changing one’s eating habits decreases the chance of getting high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans suggests the consummation of low fat or nonfat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains; our body’s intake of these foods may help in preventing some diseases. Apparently, the guidelines also emphasize balancing the food we eat with our activity to maintain our weight, drinking alcohol in moderation (no more than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 drink a day for women) and limiting foods high in salt, saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and added sugar (Rea, 2007). By eating many vegetables and fruits we may lower our risks of the following health problems: Lung, oral, esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and coronary artery disease (CAD). Those who choose to improve their eating behaviors will start to see their body transform and shed unnecessary fat. This significantly improves a person’s chances of living a longer, healthier life.

Taking steps to become a more energetic person increases the chances of living a longer, healthier life. Choosing to eat hearty plays a vital role in giving the body the energy it needs to be and remain active. A healthy diet can help provide an individual with more liveliness, help them to stay active, and help to fight stress (Barston, S., Toscano M., & Arthur, S., 2008). Stress, itself, is a killer. Having minimal amounts of anxiety in one’s life encourages a good well- being. Having proper nutrition will safeguard someone from the dangers that come with unhealthy eating. By choosing to consume fruits and vegetables, instead of ‘junk food’, a person’s physical condition could dramatically improve.

There are no exceptions to the rules when it comes to someone’s health. If it looks like its loaded and unhealthy, chances are it is. For example, a baked potato is noted on the food pyramid as being a healthy food choice. Once cheese, bacon, sour cream, and butter are added, one begins pushing the limits of healthy eating. The key for most people is to listen to what their conscience is saying. One of the first questions to consider is; is there a feeling of hunger? If the answer happens to be no, then individuals should focus their mind on other activities such as reading, walking, or bicycling. One should take advantage of physical activities “he” or “she” and “his” or “her” acquaintances enjoy doing together (Eating Healthy, 2006). When friends join each other in making healthy eating choices and keeping fit, the success rate for accomplishing set goals becomes much greater. The possibilities of achieving and maintaining good health is influenced by the company someone chooses to keep. One should inform friends and family about new dieting goals and encourage them to eat healthy as well. Doing so will develop a support system and encourage all to develop healthy lifestyles.

There are steps that people can take to begin making the change to a healthier life. First, eat in modesty by portioning out correct serving sizes. During the first week, begin shopping for healthier foods. One should learn “his” or “her” likes and dislikes. Not only is about eating healthy, it is also about eating the right portion sizes. Learning the correct portion sizes will become easier with time. Becoming educated and doing research on what is considered healthy eating is another step one can take to become successful with personal goals. Using substitution may also allow individuals to reach their goals. For example, a person can jump start ‘his” or “her” diet in the mornings by eating an apple with breakfast. An apple, instead of coffee, will give one the extra boost of energy that is needed to complete a busy morning routine. Substituting foods can increase energy as well as cut calories. Not everyone is born with the ability to know how to eat hearty; however, everyone is capable of learning.

“Healthy eating requires some planning and purpose” (Rodgers, E., 2005). Everyone that is new to the standard of healthier living knows that it is not easy. It takes discipline and effort to incorporate successfully healthful eating habits into everyday lifestyle. Once the new way of life has become habit, one will gain confidence as “his” or “her” body image begins to change. Once diets become healthier; metabolism rates will increase; one will continue to look and feel better; both physically and mentally. Achieving set goals will have a positive impact on self-esteem, one’s confidence. These emotions should be used to encourage healthy eating choices throughout daily routines.

It is important when choosing to set goals towards a healthier lifestyle, one remains realistic. Set sensible goals, so that there is a gradual change. Changing too much at one time sets one up for failure. Rodgers, E. (2005) stated that, “food is one of life’s greatest pleasures, so enjoy it”. There are ways to enjoy food using a healthy approach. There are countless types of cookbooks that cater to a healthier lifestyle. There are many ways of creating tasty meals using vegetables and fruits. One must be willing to be creative and willing to try new foods. Setting goals for one-self; may be much different from what others choose. Goals should be set on a personal level. An example would be: one may choose to cut out regular soda consumption, while another may choose to limit dining-out to once weekly. People may find it more effective to begin setting small goals and progressively increasing expectations to prevent the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Knowing one’s body is at its best is the key element in sticking with the decision to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many people choose to keep special items of clothing in hopes of wearing it comfortably again. With effort and strength to make healthy eating choices, it is a possible goal. Not only can it become a personal change, others will notice too. As one’s body image begins to transform, confidence improves, vivacity of life becomes more evident, and others observe the difference as well. Society today, looking one’s best is highly recommended to be successful in the corporate world. Social events also necessitate the need for one, to look ‘his” or “her” best. Every aspect of one’s life can improve significantly with choosing a healthy lifestyle. Individuals empower themselves by controlling what and how much they eat.

Life offers many exceptional pleasures and among them are delicacies of food. Enjoy the delicious fruits of nature but be sure to do it sparingly. The choices we make greatly affect our health. Making some simple nutritious and healthy changes in our food choices can make all the difference and have an exceptional impact on our body, health, and life span. Over indulging will bring a life time of sorrow. So embrace life and eat healthful, with doing that, one will ensure a longer healthier life. With time, patience and dedication we can all successfully learn the art of eating intelligently! If one is practicing unhealthful eating, ask one-self, is it worth it?

Physical fitness means any body movement or activity that involves maintaining or enhances overall health and fitness. Exercise is used for many different reasons such as developing better skills in a sport, building endurance, and enhancing general reflexes. The fitness world is expanding every day from having a muscle bound body for the men, to a slim and trim look for the ladies. Everybody is on a continuous battle for achieving that perfect body. In order to compile such a task takes detection, time, goals, and a strong mind.

There are two major factors that determine the physical appearance of a person, how they feel and their weight. Diet and exercise is a great mediator in the way a person looks, weighs and feels. Your diet will greatly impact on the way you look, the way you approach things and the amount you will be able to do physically. A good balanced diet consists of the five major food groups. No single food can provide all the essential nutrients needed for good health and well being.

The five major food groups are: Bread and Cereal, Fruit, Vegetables, Meat and Meat Alternatives and the Milk Group. Bread and Cereal are recommended for six or seven serves per day. Fruit is recommended for two to three serves per day. Vegetables are recommended for four serves per day. Meat and Meat Alternatives are recommended for one serve per day. The Milk Group for a young or still growing person is of much greater importance than when the person has stopped growing. The reason for this is because a growing body needs fats and dairy products for energy and nutrients. After growing has stopped your body will store this as fat because the need for energy and nutrients is not as great.

If you follow these plans to eat you will look and feel great, you will also be able to participate in more physical activities such as running, skipping and swimming. The food groups are broken up into three other groups: Eat Most, Eat Moderately and Eat Least. The eat most food group consists of foods such as: whole grain cereals, bread , pasta, rice, vegetables and fruit. The eat moderately food group consists of foods such as: milk, cheese, yoghurt, lean meat, poultry, fish, nuts, and eggs. The eat least food group contains foods like: butter, margarine, oils and sugar. Also to compensate for the fluids lost through perspiration, expiration and urine and feces we should drink two to three liters of water per day. These ideas may contribute to general health and well-being if put into practice.

Exercise will also help you lose weight and have higher self-esteem by burning calories that will make you thinner. Exercise will also work your muscles and make you more flexible and agile. By participating in sport and exercise you develop physical skill and group loyalty.

There are different kind of exercises that work out different parts of the body, and exercises are grouped into three types. Flexibility exercises such as stretching improve the range of motion of muscles and joints. Aerobic exercises like cycling, walking, running, hiking, or even playing tennis these exercises help in building cardiovascular endurance. And finally Anaerobic exercises include weight training, and sprinting these increase short-term muscle strength.

Exercise does more then reduce weight, it can improve both our health and fitness, and should involve using as much of the body as possible. Exercise has two main benefits the first is short-term these are effects that happen during the activity like the heart rate will increase , which will increase the flow and pressure of blood. The second benefit is long-term. Long-term are lasting effects which effect the body like the heart becomes bigger, stronger and capable of pumping more blood. The lungs will also get more oxygen to the muscles, the muscles will increase in size and strength, and the cardiovascular system which is made up of two parts the heart and the blood vessels will be in better condition, everything is a chain reaction.

American Heart Association. (2008). Make Healthy Food Choices. Retrieved June 29, 2008, from
Barston, S., Toscano M., & Arthur, S. (2008).healthcare. Retrieved March 2, 2008, from

Current Living. (2004- 2008). Be Nutrition Savvy. Retrieved July 17, 2008, from

Eating Healthy (2006). Staying Active and Eating Healthy. Retrieved March 2, 2008, from

Famous Quotes at Understand Famous Quotes dot com. (2007-2008). Eating Intelligently Is An Art. Retrieved July 17, 2008, from
Rodgers, E. (2005). Health care Retrieved March 2, 2008, from

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