Example of Legal Formal Letter – Law (200 Level Course)
To whom it may concern,
The current law in Indiana when concerning joint custody is that joint custody requires a court to consider whether joint legal or physical custody, or both, would be in the best interests of the child whenever the court determines child custody in dissolution of marriage cases. Requires the court to consider certain relevant factors when making the joint custody determination.
Requires the court to order joint legal or physical custody, or both, whenever the court finds that the award would be in the best interests of the child. (Under current law, it is optional whether a court considers an award of joint custody.) HOUSE BILL No. 1026.
I personally feel that joint legal custody should be presumptive in Indiana. I do believe that until it is proven in court that one parent is not up to the standards both parents should have the right to make decisions together regarding their children. I feel that it makes the parents put their differences aside in effort to communicate with each other in the best interests of the child. It also shows the child that not one parent has more power than the other. A child deserves a mother and a father in their lives. With this neither parent can use the child as leverage in their own anger towards the other parent. By making the parents work together it creates a constant stream of communication and goes without saying that two parents are better than one.