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Drugs, controlling the trafficking

I believe the curtail of submissive drugs anywhere should become illegal. Drug trafficking involves negative criminal activity where ever it is. Drugs involves gangs and gang violence. The thought of allowing drugs filtrate near neighbors fowl represents in a negative manner. For example; drug use in America has filtrated havoc and hatred wherever evil lurks.

In America; drug trafficking controls gang territory where it becomes unmissable. The drug lords who control over people keeps threat to the controversy of poising the minds of the youth. Drugs are easy and it works. It becomes easy to get drugs anywhere because it is universal and illegal. Drugs are so subversive I have seen 3rd graders bring it to school to share with their friends. Weed is is not a burden when used as a pain killer by common people instead of going to the doctor. Cocaine illegitimacy is in favor amongst American athletes. The media uses drugs in movies and sports as a distraction and a burden that everyone is aware of. Once used in the media it attracts drug use amongst junior high and high school students.

Drugs are so easy that a family can earn a decent income of over $30 grand in a half a year and with this choice real work does not matter. Where there is drugs, it attracts prostitution. Gangs will use girls to help promote the use of sell of drugs. The young girls sell their bodies to get drugs. Young girls will act as prostitutes at even an early age of 8 to attract the sell of drugs. If Americans are aware that drugs are a problem, how will we control the problem anywhere else? Proper representation should be considered. In Las Vegas, the west side originally had no drug problem until the projects brought drugs into the neighborhoods. In the ghetto where you see them drive BMW or Jaguar cars and no one in the family works, you wonder why police become suspicious of how the poor black could drive this car. It is where you have leaders of the church like pastors, ministers who want men out of jails who commit these crimes and they promote the use of drugs in some of the churches. It is where innocent people are killed through drive bys to debate and ask for truth and God’s calling.

How could we in this country support the use of drugs when the drugs are being poured into this country by whites or people who have the money to support drug trafficking by the police and politicians. Any government who defines drugs illegal we need to find ways to stop the sell of drugs. If drugs became legal nothing would change. People’s lives would still be effected negatively neutral. Do we want the same for Bolivia and Afghanistan? How do we control drug popularity and sells? Is there an answer by example? Police profiling should be allowed there with the same tough laws we have in America to clean some of the mess up. We need to be by example to promote ways of peace with its people.