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The Choice of Vegetarianism: An Annotated Bibliography

Dowshen, Steven M.D. Children’s Heath News. May 2007. Nemours Foundation. Jan. 20, 2009.

The article questions the motive of a number of vegetarians. It depicts the story of a 6 week old boy who died of malnutrition, weighing only three and a half pounds, after his parents put him on a vegetarian diet. In court it was said, “The couple never intended to harm their baby and were only trying to lead a vegan lifestyle.” The parents were sentenced to life in prison. The issue of a well balanced and planed diet is stressed, explaining the importance of each vital nutrient.

The article pulls an emotional connection with readers, realizing the dangers of not properly nourishing a body. This article was revised by an M.D. on a heath website, reassuring the information to be accurate.

The downfall of not properly assessing your choices is clearly visible, exposing the negative effects of the image of vegetarianism. I had the assumption that most vegetarians contemplated actions and strategies before jumping in, I was misguided in my beleifs.

Larson, D. Enette. “Vegetarian Diet for Exercise and Athletic Training and Preforming: An Update” Vegetarian Nutrition. American Dietetic Association. Jan. 19 2009.

The article investigates a vegetarian lifestyle in the role of athletes. It was found that, “Vegetarians reportedly have lower energy intakes and more difficulty meeting energy requirements than nonvegetarians due to low caloric density of their diets.” Plans have been developed by professional athletes to accommodate vegetarians. Also mentioned are the same essential nutrients for the body and the importance of pre-event meals.

This source was well researched and documented. It presents many pro-vegetarian points as well as the counter parts. The purpose was to show a vegetarian diet could provide viable nutrition for an athlete.

Many interesting and admirable arguments were contemplated in the course of this work. It changed my opinion, who am I to judge someone who wants to work harder for their beliefs, simply because it lies off the beaten path. If an athlete desires to obtain their energy from alternate sources, you should not criticize them.

Staff, American Heart Association. Vegetarian Diets- What is a Vegetarian Diet. Dec. 2008. American Heart Association. Jan. 19, 2009.

This article justifies a vegetarian diet and recommends meal plans. “overweight children and adolescents have a 62 to 98 percent chance of being overweight at age 35, which increases their risk of heart disease.”

The American Heart Association provides trustworthy evidence to showcase what a healthy lifestyle can provide and both sides are addressed. It reflects vegetarianism is a safe choice if moderated correctly.

The article helped distinguish for me that if a person chooses this lifestyle they can be healthy individuals. This supports the theory of vegetarianism reflecting a healthy preference.

Staff, Mayo Clinic. Mayo Roger W. Harms, M.D. Nov. 4, 2008. Mayo Clinic. Jan 20, 2009

The article explains the depth of vegetarianism and levels. Problems arise for vegetarians when other health problems arise limiting the food consumed to an even smaller group. A graph depicts the guidelines and options for those who are on an enriched or restricted diet.

Many concerns are concluded from this passage. Numerous medical conditions confine the type of food that can be ate, if someone was to restrict this even further would it be a satisfying experience? The Mayo clinic provides solid information to use in an essay. Added restrictions may shy people away from choosing this lifestyle.

Upon looking deeper it becomes evident of all the restrictions in place when choosing vegetarianism. A person contemplating the switch may think it too abstract to try ultimately deciding to pass over the option.
Zeratsky, Katherine. “Vegetarian Diet: Will it Help me Lose Weight?” Mayo Clinic. April 11, 2007. Jan. 19, 2009. .

The Stress of a planned balanced diet is evident in this article. It addresses the falsified assumption that vegetarianism makes you shred pounds. This diet does make a contribution but is not a magic wand, just as diet with meat products involved contribute to weight loss.

Direct information is key in the high-quality of this article, and comparable in interest to Myth Busters. This source shows the view from both standpoints in that it is achievable.

The article is strait forward and understandable. This may help with some of the false pretenses in becoming vegetarian and realizing it is hard work, not simply a trend.

101 Reasons to go Vegetarian. Mantra Corporation. April 26, 1996. Jan. 15, 2009.

This article covers a very wide variety of reasons in which to become a vegetarian including personal, environmental, animal cruelty, and alternate uses. Some show great research and consideration while others are juvenile.
These motives show a biased opinion, and do not take in any consideration of what would happen to society and the workforce if everything suddenly changed. Many of my other sources are scholarly and derive from institutions or renowned societies backed by research and doctorates.

Elements of this source brought to my attention that there are extremes to both sides of any issue. It is very useful to know the outermost opinions. This helps rationalizing your argument. It did, however, change my opinions on a few aspects.

Kids Health- Vegetarianism. Mary L. Gavin, M.D. Oct. 2008. Nemours. Jan. 19, 2009.

This article frames the ideal eating habits of a youth vegetarian at different stages. It also idealizes the lifestyle as a healthy approach to an adolescent’s diet. This is proceeded by the definitions of the steps of vegetarianism including ovo-vegetarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, lacto vegetarian, and vegans.

The multi-step lifestyle plan is explained in depth for several different age ranges. The tone of this piece is affirmative action and playing a positive role for kids. Parents would benefit from the tips and outline drawn.

Supporting details from this site create an atmosphere of acceptance for vegetarianism. For me, a positive light is shed on to a topic I set out to tear down and disprove. Children have the ability to make their own decisions in improving personal health.

My Jan. 13, 2009. United States Department of Agriculture. Jan. 19, 2009

This article draws attention to the many different needs of the human body to help it grow and function properly. The essential factors include Calcium, Iron, Protein, Vitamin B12, and Zinc. I recognizing each element it also states the specific purpose in the body. Included are various tips such as, “Don’t overload meals with high-fat cheese to replace meat.”

This source breaks down the importance in knowing which food obtains essential nutrients, while tracking what is consumed, plays key in health. This source derives from an outstanding part of American agriculture, the U.S.D.A.
The importance of choosing an adequate diet is the focus of this article. Many people may just look at the expressional aspect of this issue, rather than how to make it truly work for them. It may be a difficult or repetitive choice of diet for some in rural settings to follow.

“Questions About Food Ingredients.” Frequently Asked Questions. May 13, 2004. Vegetarian Resource Group. Jan. 19, 2009.

This food guide highlights that even when something is made of vegetables or fruits does not make it vegetarian grade. Many foods are enhanced with bi-products or meat products. This much is stated about McDonald’s, “The natural flavor used in French fries is from an animal source.” This puts into question many other foods we eat during the day, as well as arising the question of is there true vegetarians and vegans in existence?

Many alarming pieces of information are brought to light in this article. Even non-vegetarians start to question the quality and safety of food consumed. It clearly states, near the top of the page, the contents are not meant to base medical decisions upon, merely shine light upon critical information when choosing a vegetarian lifestyle. This may not be the most scholarly choice of sources, but it emphasizes many important factors.

This piece bring reality to becoming a vegetarian, even when you think you are following guidelines and rules you may not be. Once reading through this article I better understand why so many people choose to be only partial vegetarians. This has aided me in grasping the hate some people express towards livestock and fast food industry.

“Vegetarianism.” Medical Encyclopedia. Jan. 17, 2007. Medline Plus. Jan. 18, 2009.

The piece outlines specific foods a vegetarian diet focuses on, including the typical fruits and vegetables and listing types of dried beans, grains, nuts, and seeds. This focuses on the importance of nutrients and vitamins to promote healthy growth in the body. It also goes through steps of vegetarianism.

This source contains a wide variety of information, but seems to spread too thin. There is not much concentration on explaining one sub-group rather trying to link to another aspect of this topic. A reliable objective outline is provided on this site.

The Article defines more than explaining, which provides base knowledge for beginning research. This doesn’t provide any supporting information to help shape an opinion, rather inform about primary data.