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Amnesty For Illegal Immigrants – Yes or No?

Issue Assignment #2: Should illegal/undocumented immigrants be granted amnesty?

Yes, illegal/undocumented immigrants should be granted amnesty.

1. Illegal immigrants allow some business owners to hire them as low wage demanding workers. Some agencies, such as Bear Stearns, believe the estimated number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. is around 20 million. With the number of illegal immigrants searching for jobs they often resort to low paying and less skilled jobs that other Americans do not want. Also, the wages received by these immigrants are being taxed by the state and feds.

2. Most immigrants do pay state and federal taxes such as FICA and Medicare. Shikha Dalmia reports that roughly “two-thirds of illegal immigrants pay Medicare, Social Security, and personal income taxes.” However, they do not receive full access, if any at all, to the benefits they are paying for. The mentality in the U.S. is fairness for all. Amnesty for these immigrants would justify the fairness and allow these hard-working individuals the benefits they are entitled.

3. Rather than deport illegal immigrants they should be granted amnesty. In 2005, the Center for American Progress reported an estimated $41.2 billion annual cost to deport roughly 10 million undocumented immigrants (Perhaps to see them return, yet again as immigrants!). It is far more simplistic if they can be granted amnesty and continue a better life her rather than return back to nothing in their homeland. The U.S. is founded on immigration and they should be entitled to their share.

No, Illegal/undocumented immigrants should not be granted amnesty.

1. Illegal immigrants entered the U.S. without the permission of the county. This is an act that some find to be unforgivable and believe the illegal immigrants should be sent back to their home countries rather than receiving amnesty. The population in the U.S. is currently rising dramatically. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, as of February 9, 2009, there are an estimated 305,784,269 people in the U.S. This growing population makes it hard for the U.S. to support its population as well as added illegal immigrants

2. Illegal/undocumented immigrants toughen the job competition for lower-skilled workers. Some, such as high school dropouts are likely to be the most affected says Adam Davidson of the NPR. Also, because of the current recession in the U.S. many citizens must resort to low paying jobs in fear that they will not be able to support themselves without a job. As more people are competing for jobs illegal immigrants are taking away the opportunities that citizens are entitled.

3. Most of the immigrants that come to the U.S. are very poor and in search of a better life. If granted amnesty, many immigrants will apply for aid such as social security and food stamp programs. According to Robert Rector, less than half the illegal adult immigration population has less than a high school education. This low-skilled workforce may be a burden for taxpayers that have high education and need to provide to the welfare system for these individuals. However, if they are not granted amnesty they are not eligible for these types of tax paid programs.