Day: December 19, 2010

  • The Thirteenth Amendment and Jim Crow Laws

    After the Thirteenth Amendment abolished slavery in America, racial discrimination became regulated by the so called Jim Crow laws, which mandated strict segregation of the races. Though such laws were instituted shortly after fighting ended in many cases, they only became formalized after the end of Republican-enforced Reconstruction in the 1870s and 80s during a…

  • Biography of Carl von Clausewitz

    Carl von Clausewitz: War and the Role of Military Philosophy Introduction: Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831) is considered to be the father of war. His works can be considered as the corner stone for contemporary military theory. In this paper a biography is presented at first for a better understanding of his background and afterwards his…

  • Biography of Plato

    Although both Plato and Aristotle had a similar childhood and upraising and followed some of the same footprints both Aristotle and Plato share both many different moral and beliefs on certain issues such as epistemology, cosmology and body and soul theory. In Plato’s republic, Plato shows in the allegory of the cave many things that…

  • Young Goodman Brown-Allegory and Symbolism

    Allegory and Symbolism Nathaniel Hawthorne is a nineteenth-century American writer of the Romantic Movement. Hawthorne was born is Salem, Massachusetts, and this is the place he used as the setting for some of his works: such as “The Scarlett Letter”, “the Blithedale Romance” and “Young Goodman Brown”. In writing, Hawthorne was known for his use…