Day: February 3, 2010


    Functionalism originated in the United States and initially coexisted with structuralism. Although functionalist beliefs diverged, their emphasis was always the same, the utility of consciousness and behavior in adjusting to the environment. The founder of the functionalist movement is usually thought to be William James (1842-1910). In addition to James, two of the most influential…

  • Anne Frank

    “Anne Frank: The Diary of A Young Girl”, is a diary written by a Jew girl named Anne. During World War II, the Jews were being chased by the German armies, so the Frank family went to live for 3 years to a secret place. During her time in the “Secret Annex”, Anne went through…

  • An In-depth View of Palenque

    In southern Mexico, lies one of the greatest ruins of the most advanced culture of ancient MesoAmerica. Near the Usumacinta River, Palenque is a Mayan city-state that reached its greatest period during the seventh century CE. When Palenque was first discovered, it was completely overwhelmed by the plantlife of the rainforest. Through time, excavation revealed…