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The Two Romeo and Juliet Balcony Scenes

In Romeo and Juliet, there are two balcony scenes. The first one takes place before Romeo and Juliet are married and is full of hope and love. In this scene, the meeting takes place at the beginning of the night and is interrupted by the Nurse. In the second scene, it is filled with dread, and sorrow as the two know that death or separation is inevitable. This meeting takes place at the end of night, and again is interrupted by the Nurse.

In the first balcony scene it is clear that Romeo and Juliet love each other and want to be married so that they will never be apart. It is obvious in this quote, where Romeo returns Juliets proposal with his own: “Th’exchange of thy love’s faithful vow for mine” (2.ii.77). This quote is surrounded by strong words of love from both Romeo and Juliet. Another example of the two showing their love for each other is here: “Three words, dear Romeo, and good night indeed” (2.ii.79). This can be interpreted as the three words being “I Love You”. One example of Romeo showing his love for Juliet in this balcony scene is when he states: “And, but thou love me, let them find me here. My life were better ended by their hate Than death prorogued, wanting thy love” (2.ii.75). The previous quote shows that Romeo is not scared of what the servants of Sir Capulet will do to him, or even Sir Capulet himself, if he were to be found because Romeos love for Juliet is that strong.

This first balcony scene takes place at the beginning of the night, shown in this quote: “ But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun” (2.ii.69). This quote shows that there is still a little bit of light left outside, but that the sun (referred to as Juliet) is setting in the west, meaning it is going down. This balcony scene also includes the Nurse interrupting a very romantic, spiritual event between Romeo and Juliet, shown here: “Nurse within – Madam. Juliet- I come anon. – But if thou meanest not well, Nurse- Madam.” (2.ii.79). This quote shows that Juliet was so deep into thought with Romeo that she at first did not notice the nurse there, and that it took the nurse two attempts at calling her to catch her attention.

As a reader reads the second balcony scene, is quite obvious that both Romeo and Juliet feel strong emotions of dread. This could be because Romeo is being banished, and that they would both rather die than live without each other.