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SMC Training and Development Plan

SMC will implement a training program for existing employees to accommodate the need of increase in production. At SMC, the initial phase of training is a critical aspect to employee development. As a Human Resource (HR) Director it is our duty to establish a process for employee development to prepare employees help the organization meet its goals. “The definition of development indicates that it is future oriented. Development implies learning that is not necessarily related to the employee’s current job.

Instead, it prepares employees for other positions in the organization and increases their ability to

move into jobs that may not yet exist” (Hollenbeck, N, 2003). The HR’s training approach is an instructional design, a process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs. “The first step will be a needs assessment, which will evaluate the organization, individual employees, and employees’ tasks to determine what kinds of training, if any are necessary” (Hollenbeck, N, 2003).

SMC has developed a staffing plan to accommodate the production demand by promoting existing employees to a Team Lead position. “SMC will be assessing existing employees within the Manufacturing Department by collecting information and providing feedback to employees about there behavior, communication style, and skills” (Hollenbeck, N, 2003). SMC implemented a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test to assess existing employees that may have Team Leader qualities to fulfill the Team Lead roles for the Manufacturing Department. This will give an opportunity for job growth and promotion to existing employees within the organization boosting employee morale. SMC will hire six Team Leads for the Manufacturing Department, which they will be responsible for training of 30 new temporary employees. They will be responsible and accountable for their team’s production and punctual deliverables.

Existing employees will be promoted to Team Leads after the assessment and evaluations of each applicant are reviewed. HR will provide a training program that will establish the objectives of a Team Leader for the Manufacturing Department. By establishing objectives, it provides a basis to measure whether the program succeeded or not. The high output productive employees will be acknowledged first in becoming Team Leads for their Manufacturing Department. By hiring within company, the new Team Leads will already have hands on experience and high output production giving the department an effective training program that could be incorporated with the new hires (temporary employees) in the Manufacturing Department.

The Team Lead training will be In-House training. It will be a 3-day training classroom instruction with a contracted trainer lecturing the group of Team Leads. Since all the Team Leads already have experience in the Manufacturing Department as production workers, the emphasis of the training is going to be more on Leadership and managerial skills with a high production environment. The first day trainees will receive information through a variety of presentation methods, from classroom lecture and computer based training. “The second day will consist of group building, where trainees will share ideas and experiences, build group identity, understand interpersonal relationships, and learn the strengths and weaknesses of themselves and their coworkers” (Hollenbeck, N, 2003). The final day they the trainees will have hands-on training by providing the trainees with interactive simulations of leadership skills and role-play.

After the initial training of the new Team Leads HR will evaluate the effectiveness of the training program by administrating evaluations, which will ask specific training related task questions. The Manufacturing Department Supervisor will also observe the Team Leads to see if they demonstrate the desired skills and behavior of a Team Leader. An assessment of satisfaction of the training program by the trainee and supervisor can also evaluate the success of the training program.

HR will reinforce the training program by focusing on helping employees improve performance of their current jobs. HR will not only have the initial training for new-hires or new positions but will emphasize on employee development. HR will provide quarterly management classes and career information seminars. Employees will get opportunities to cross train on different departments. By educating and informing upper management and employees of the importance of training and employee development, it will create overall asset employees within the company.

Newly Hired Employees
One of the challenges that SMC faces with the new hires is training and quick acclimation to company systems and procedures. The goal is to have the new hire become productive as quickly as possible. New employee must go through a process of familiarization with the product, co-workers, the equipment, the operating guidelines and parameters. Because of the increase in demand for SMC products, the company has a need for additional staffing. Regarding the new hires, taking steps to reduce learning curves will quickly optimize performance. This is a critical variable in quickly meeting the increase in demand for our products. There are numerous actions taken by SMC that includes providing operations and standard operating procedures manuals, orientation programs and training activities that assists new hires at quickly adjusting to their duties and tasks. Providing a ready resource for employees to use as a reference in undertaking job tasks, significantly expedites the learning process. This is especially helpful for procedures that are intricate in details and involve multiple activities such as manufacturing, operations and customer service processes. Operations and standard operating procedures manuals at SMC provide step-by-step guidelines for duties and tasks, thus making it easier for our new employees to follow through the process. SMC’s operating procedure manuals also create a uniform method of completing job functions, which is important for building consistency in the performance of tasks and expediting production.

SMC’s orientation period consists of 3 business days. The topics that SMC covers during the orientation period involve reviewing company policies and practices, management philosophies and priorities, job requirements and procedures, performance and productivity expectations, help resources and management introductions. A critical component of SMC’s orientation program involves a tour of the facility, allowing each new employee to become familiar with other departments and staff members. This allows all new hires to understand the role of each department and understand how that department works toward accomplishing SMC goals.
It is important to give everyone the opportunity to develop his or her skills, knowledge and abilities regardless of prior experience. SMC’s training program takes place over a seven-day period and the trainer is always an SMC subject matter expert (SME) for that particular department. Training enables new employees to enhance the capabilities they initially bring to the company, and develop new skills. Training also serves to prepare new hires to take on additional responsibilities thus providing a foundation for handling new challenges. A major benefit of utilizing training, as a tool for grooming newcomers is that it provides higher comfort levels that boost new hires confidence and motivation levels, which in turn helps the company to be more productive. SMC’s training techniques focus on the needs of the target employee audience, as well as the time, financial and physical constraints of the company. The less experience the new hire has, the more attention is given towards ensuring the training program is comprehensive. SMC’s training options range from informal on-the-job learning experiences to formal classroom sessions and from simple audiotape and videotape options to CD-ROM solutions and distance learning on-line courses. To help new employees get up to speed quickly, job aids and workplace displays provide access to step-by-step procedures and instructions of important performance activities.

Supervisors and Directors
Due to the reorganization at SMC to accommodate the increase in product demand, there will be two supervisory positions added to the Manufacturing Department staff. The creation of the two supervisor positions are due to the 30% increase of employees in the department and the creation of a night shift to accommodate the need for growth. Since these positions are new at SMC, there is an immediate need for the creation of job descriptions, as well as, a detail outline of training needs. The needs assessment include introduction to SMC’s corporate policies and procedures, training of HR employment law, hiring and firing practices and guidelines, payroll system operation, scheduling staff hours, and productivity reporting. The supervisors will require intense training and in order to expedite the training period they will receive training together.

SMC’s HR Director will organize the supervisor-training program and inform them on the training schedule and implementation. The supervisors training program will be conducted in-house at SMC. Due to limited training resources at SMC; the HR Director prefers to use professional trainers. This method of training will be beneficial at this time because the Director wants to have a high level of assurance that the training program will be effective. This will also satisfy the CEO that the new hires will not put the company at risk since the supervisors will be responsible for HR issues and client deliverables.

The HR Director will approach the training through instructional design, which is a process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs. The training program will prepare these employees for future growth within the company, enable SMC to respond to change more readily, reduce turnover, enhance work safety, improve customer service and product design, and meet many other goals of the company. The HR Director will work in conjunction with the outside training vendor SMC will be utilizing to conduct the training. Both supervisors will go through a person analysis, which is a process for determining the individual’s needs and readiness for training. The evaluation provides information on the individual’s knowledge, skill, and ability. Following the person analysis, track analysis will follow. This next process identifies the tasks, knowledge, skills, and behavior that training should emphasis and will assist the HR Director in determining the scope of the training program.

The training program will take place over a five-day period and the Trainer will come to SMC’s office to provide the training. The first day of training will cover the introduction to SMC’s policies and procedures, employment law, along with hiring and firing practices. Testing will take place at the end of the day to reinforce and evaluate the trainees understanding of the material covered. One day two before beginning training on the payroll system, the Trainer will review the results from testing on day one. They will cover topics the Trainer identifies as needing additional clarification.

Computer based training will be the basis of the payroll system training. Test data will be set up to allow trainees to have hands on training on the system. Data entry, reporting, and learning how to trouble shoot payroll problems will be part of the agenda for this part of the training program. As in day one, there will be testing at the end of the day and the results reviewed the next morning, before beginning the next topic. Day 4 will cover measuring productivity and preparing reports, this training will measure the trainees’ analytical skill set, an important aspect of the job. Therefore, there will be additional training on this subject after the supervisors have worked two months on the job. Day 5 will include a recap of all topics covered in training; reinforcement of areas the supervisors may need additional training. All-inclusive testing of the materials covered for comprehension and understanding of the subject matter. Trainees will take a survey, which will evaluate the training material, agenda, and the delivery of the instructor.

Reinforcement and follow-up will be available by giving the supervisors access to the Trainer and HR Director as needed. After one month on-the-job, the supervisors will attend a weekend workshop to discuss issues that have come up in their first month. This will be a time for the HR Director to measure the progress and the success of the training program. There will be reinforcement training available as needed. The HR Director will schedule bi-yearly workshops to continue reinforcement and provide support to the supervisors.

Work Cited

Hollenbeck, N (2003). Training Employees and Developing Employees For Future Success. Chapter 7 and 9. The McGraw?Hill Companies, from University of Phoenix, Resources. Retrieved: March 1, 2005