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Leadership and the Madonna Beer Scare – Management Essay (100 Level Course)

Leadership and the Madonna Beer Scare – Management Essay (100 Level Course)

This trimester for my leadership project Heather Jones, Cara Livornese, and I once again hosted “The Madonna Beer Scare”. By working with the SMART program the second time around with the Beer Scare, we were able to specifically work on individual parts of the bear scare to make the overall result great. Starting late into the year it was hard to apply time-wisely to our project, But we acted as best and quick as we could. When the bear scare was hours away it was as if realistic didn’t apply we did things I never could imagine yet in a sense it was realistic.

At the end of the night even though we were exhausted the compliments and smiles were endless, at that moment we knew our success was truly measurable.

I feel as an individual I gave a lot into making the bear scare happen. I spent many hours shopping, setting up, plotting, as well as calling local grocery stores for donations. I gave my best because I knew if I didn’t I would let Madonna down. After all I am Vice President I should be setting examples so hopefully, next year kids will take on the Bear Scare and really see how hard I worked. But I didn’t do this alone I had much appreciated help from Heather (my co-host for the Bear Scare) without her this wouldn’t be possible. At times where I found myself slacking off, Heather would be right there to pick me up and put me to work again. She worked just as hard as I did and really made a great effort. As for Cara Livornese I felt she didn’t contribute enough to the Bear Scare to be recognized for it. I felt as if she was only in with “helping” because were her friends and she didn’t care what she did.

Leadership is about finding something your passionate about and incorporating it into a project. Not about getting credit for something you did unwillingly. I chose to do the Bear Scare again because I enjoy working with kids of all ages. I love to have kids walk around school and say “wow she is a great leader” because I am trying to set an example not only for the millions of cousins I have at Madonna but for everyone. As an elder at Madonna it is all of our 8th graders jobs to show the younger students how to be a role model.

This years 2004 Leadership class has given me a lot, but some of the gifts I have been given stand out more then the others. I learned “With great power comes with great responsibility.” I never realized how many kids look up to me, at the night of the bear scare when I began cleaning up kids noticed and started doing the same. If they did as I did and I was a horrible leader I would lead them down the wrong path. It was amazing to see that I could have such a big impact on those little kids’ lives. Without this class I don’t think I would have ever realized that. Now that I know I feel I must keep up with my good work, and please Madonna as a whole.

I thank you personally Mrs. Jones because without you, there would be no leadership class. Without it some kids could have ended up going down the wrong path. Leadership is not only about being a leader its taking charge, walking down your own path leading followers the right way your own way. I took a stand and can’t wait to see who’s bound to take one next. Thanks again.