How do your organization’s leaders influence your organization’s culture? How does the leadership of your organization achieve organizational goals?
Leadership is the practice of influence that stimulates subordinates or followers to do their best towards the achievement of desired goals. Where there is an organized group of people working towards a common goal, some type of leadership becomes essential. The leader stimulates what is best in us; he unites and concentrates what we feel only groupingly and scatteringly. An organization’s leader influences organization’s culture by building up confidence and zeal among people to move towards the common objectives. A leader influences the behavior, attitude and beliefs of his subordinates.
1.The leader should communicate effectively and follow the principle of motivation.
2.He should listen to his subordinates properly and should consult the group in framing the policies and lines of action.
3.He should implement authority whenever necessary to implement the policies.
Good leadership improves motivation and morale of employees. It acts as a motive power to group efforts as it rectifies the imperfectness of the formal organizational relationships. By helping in cooperation and coordination of different departments working in an organization, good and effective leadership helps achieve organizational goals.
Can someone who is a leader not be a manager? Why or why not? Can someone who is a manager not be a leader? Why or why not?
A leader cannot essentially be a good manager. Because what a manager needs to have, a leader might not possess all the qualities of a good manager. A good manager has the knowledge of the organization, has technical knowledge and administrative ability to instruct and inspire. A leader can inspire people, communicate well and can even secure cooperation but without knowledge of the organization and technical knowledge, he cannot manage the complete organization effectively and efficiently. It is must for a person who is controlling an organization to have the subjective and theoretical knowledge of the work and operations that his organization performs. Moreover, leadership is only a part of management as it includes planning, organizing, leading and controlling.
A manager can always be a leader because the definition of a good manager includes a good leader as well. A manager who cannot be a leader is not a good manager then. As we all know, apart from the qualities mentioned above, a manager should have the ability to instruct, inspire and finally lead. A good manager always possesses the qualities of a good leader. Since only good leadership secures effective management, a manager should be able to boost up morale of his subordinates and lead his team of workers. So, a manager can definitely be a good and effective leader.
What are some skills that leaders need to possess? How can managers develop leadership skills?
A successful leader secures desired behavior from his followers. It depends upon the quality of leadership he is able to provide. A leader to be effective must possess certain basic skills and qualities. Some of them are as follows:
1. Good personality
2. Emotional Stability
3. Sound education and professional competence
4. Initiatives and creative thinking
5. Good understanding and sound judgement
6. Communicating Skills
7. Ability to guide and teach.
8. Courage to accept responsibility
9. Self confidence, diligence and industry.
By regular introspection of himself, his work and relations with the employees, by being in constant touch up with the colleagues, by learning from his mistakes and by experience, a manager will learn and develop his leadership skills. By listening to his employees and their innovative ideas and by appreciating their feelings, a manager can learn to be an effective leader. One another essential requirement that a good leader should always possess is honesty and integrity of character.
1.Don’t use the power of your position to get things done
2.Don’t think of employees as things that need to be controlled or managed
3.Judge your success by the success of your team
4.Include humour in your diet while managing people
How has management changed due to the increased role of globalization? Would a good leader in one country automatically be a good leader in another country? What characteristics should a leader have to make them successful globally?
The changing economic world is throwing new challenges to the managers. The management concepts and practices are shaping ‘tomorrow’s history’. A number of challenges are taking place which are influencing the work of managers. One of them is Globalization.
GLOBALIZATION: Most of the countries have opened up their borders to foreign products as well as foreign producers. The companies of developed countries are foreign countries by opening manufacturing facilities there. It involves an active international involvement by the company and most importantly, the managers. Now, the change has led the management to license or franchise to another firm the right to use its brand name, technology or product specifications which ultimately has led to create great burden on the managers. Managements of global companies are adjusting their organizational structures as per the requirements of the situation. The managers are being taught to be global in approach.
A good leader in one country is not automatically a good leader in another country. Even though due to universality of principles of management, a leader might not have any problems in managing people (employees). But due to changed economic, political, social and cultural environment, a manager is bound to have some problems in managing work, customers and operations. The different regulations of the political system, different taste of consumers and different standard of living is for sure are big problems for a manager to deal with. That is why companies going global prefer to hire the manager of the country that are entering their operations into since that manager will be familiar to his home markets and consumers’ tastes.
Characteristic of a successful global leader are:
1.Possessing A Global Mind Growth
2.Having the Necessary Competencies, Abilities and Emphasizing Meritocracy
3.Having the Character or Ballast
4.Having Creative, Innovative and Refreshing Approaches to Solve Problems
5.Being Positive
6.Co-operating and Collaborating
7.Being Culturally Sensitive and Empathetic
Leaders just have to grow their teams as companies. Organizations and nations have to look for various ways to harness knowledge and respond faster to overcome difficult times. The overall challenge here is not only to design fresh and innovative approaches, maintaining high output/ sales and high touch with both employees and customers alike, but also creating or having successful work teams/ units, resilient Companies, and successful societies.