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The Goddess Within: The Female Divine

The scholarly Article that I have chosen to do this assignment on is the Goddess within (Black working women) By Susan L.Taylor. This article is a great representation of how a strong black woman in today’s society can find her inner beauty, confidence and power. The women today are a very different than the women of the “leave it to beaver” era. They still have the responsibilities of raising our children while working full time. There is a complete turnaround from what the typical mother had going on in the past.

The Black women in our society have fought for a long time trying to be viewed and accepted as an equal, more powerful and to get the opportunities that they are due. Given this situation the women of today need to find in this power within them. Susan L Taylor points this out in her article when talks about the young sister manager saying “I’ve stepped into my feminine power and the glory of being a Black woman,” Because she started to feel this way her appearance was different, so different that Susan was able to see a physical change in her appearance, this is because she owned up to her true inner feelings. One of the biggest things that this did for her, is to solidify that she can be a full time worker, a woman a that has big plans for herself in the form of her own business and be a successful single mother. The amount of single mothers in our country are increasing every day and it’s easy for some to let the oppression and weight of this bourdon slow down and halt any progress or momentum.

In closing we can see how important believing in ones self is and what it can do for just one woman. Think about what this can do on a massive and large scale. The result could tremendous. The women of the world can learn a lot from this small article. It speaks of woman empowerment, how important it is to the success of anyone. I think this can be summed up with “believing in yourself”, I know it is cliché but I think we all would be surprised if we believed a little bit more in what we can do for ourselves, our families and our careers.


Taylor, S. L. (2006). The Goddess within.(black working women)(Editorial).. Power search. Retrieved from