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My Experience as a Member of Digital Business Academy

Being a member in the Digital Business Academy has taught me how to be successful in the future. Learning all of these computer techniques and skills improved my knowledge of using programs such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, etc. Before joining the Academy, I did not know how to use any of the programs. Being in the Academy for the past three years, I get to meet new people and make new friends. It is fun getting to be with the same students in four of your classes and going on field trips with hem because you become more attached to them and it feels like a big family. Being in the Academy also have me accomplished my goals and having integrity. I am glad that I am part of this Academy.

In my sophomore year, I learned how to use Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Publisher. By learning how to use these programs, it will help me in the near future. I am planning on majoring in business management and Microsoft Word will help me a lot in the business world. Working with PowerPoint was new to me because I have never used it before. When I was taught step by step, it showed up to be really easy. Our end of the year final exam was to make a PowerPoint about ourselves and I was really proud of my work because of my knowledge how to use PowerPoint. We also do a lot of typing in class and my typing improved to 50 wpm.

Junior year was the toughest year in my school life because it is the time to prepare for college. I have work two times to keep up my grades while being in the dance team and joining many activities. I learned more new programs called Excel, Access, FrontPage, and Moviemaker and it was harder than I thought. Excel was the toughest program I had to work with and I struggled a lot. Excel will impact me a lot in the future because it is used a lot in business. One of the opportunities in the Academy was having a mentor. That year, my classmate,Charles Jackson, and I had the same mentor named Liz Smith. She worked as a Loan Officer in the real estate business. At that time, I was interested working with real estate in the future and I really wanted to see what it was like. Laura took us to see houses that were put up for sale, went to coffee shops, stopped by her office and staging houses. It was a wonderful experience and I learned a lot. In the middle of the year, five other girls and I in the Academy were invited to the Women’s Business Convention in San Francisco. It was very educational and interesting because seeing all those women who are successful made me think that one day I can be successful as them.

Finally my senior year, I am learning how to use Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Painter, and Flash. These programs are really fun to use because it is art. It is my first time ever to use any of these programs, but I am taking my time learning and it is improving. I learned how to change and fix my pictures and adding graphics to it. This is very different than the other programs I’ve learned in the past because it never really involved art. With this being my last year and a senior in this Academy, I know that I have achieved so many goals and that I will be leaving with new knowledge that I have learned.

I’m glad that I joined the Digital Business Academy because I learned so many new things and I made so many new friends. The Academy taught me how to use many different programs. The academy also provided fun and educational field trips and helped us to prepare for college. The Academy will impact me in the future because I know I will need the knowledge for the business major. Now I can be known as an individual because I achieved my goals. The Digital Business Academy is the greatest experience I’ve ever had.