Difference Between Moving Out and Staying At Home – Communications Essay

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Difference Between Moving Out and Staying At Home – Communications Essay
Most teenagers would swear on their own grave that they would move out of their parent’s home at the first chance they get. The young adult does not yet realize the

differences in moving out on their own and living at home. There will be many harsh realities they must face. Mom is not there to do house work any more, the bills are infinite, and the kitchen is no longer magically filled with food. That may not sound too real to a person who has not moved away from home; however, they are yet to move away from home.

The work required to keep a home clean tends to go unnoticed when the mother does it. Clean floors, tidy rooms, and fresh laundry tend to be taken for granite. Even though the average teenager may help around the house one of the parents tend to do most of the housework. The floor is always clean, the rooms are always tidy, and laundry is never less than fresh and neatly folded.

When a teenager grows up and moves out this all changes. The laundry will pile high and become a daunting task for them to achieve. The back door step will be dirty, and the rooms will become cluttered. Not only are these chores time consuming, they can also be costly. That huge pile of laundry takes money to wash. Thoughtlessly, roommates trash the room that was just clean. The dishes pile high despite all efforts and the trashcan seems to suddenly fill when unattended. The task of keeping a clean home at this point becomes devastating.

Alas, trash and clutter become the last of the worries as the bills begin to roll in. Living at home with parents makes bills appear as some fictional scary story. The most a teenager usually pays for is a car to drive, and a few other luxuries. The parents pay for the water left dripping, the gas burnt by the stove, and the power consumed by the light left on. Teenagers living at home will never even notice any of these expenses.

Once the young adult moves out bills rear their ugly heads and become a reality. A light left on soon becomes blow to ones wallet. This is when the biggest changes begin to occur. The lights will be off in unoccupied rooms, the TV will never be left on, and the furnace will get turned down. Power may have been a necessity at home; now it has become a nascence.

Now that the youngster is sitting bored and cold in the dark, the last reality comes into play. In the average home, under the wing of the mother a child will never know starvation. Food is plentiful and free in the kitchens of most parent’s homes. The mother or father goes to the store about the same time every week or two. This is the number one reality taken for granite when the teenager lives with their parents. There is always milk to poor into that bowl of the son or daughters favorite cereal. When the son arrives home his favorite microwavable delicacy is always waiting in the freezer. His parents still give him money to eat lunch at school. His proud mother will have a delicious family dinner prepared every Sunday evening. As long as he lives under that roof he will never have to cash in his aluminum cans to buy a cheeseburger at McDonalds.

To that young persons dismay, they will some day move out on their own. They will open the refrigerator door in their new home. All that they will find is the half a beer their roommate left there the night before. There will be no milk to poor over that bowl of generic brand Cheerios. Payday will finally come and they will go to the store. They will come home from Aldis grocery store. They will open their box of pre patied hamburgers and cook one to eat. As they take the first bite of that cheese-less, burnt, hamburger they realize they miss their mothers cooking.

Now this young, proud adult sits cold and bored in their new home, and waits for his laundry to finish the spin cycle. He thinks to himself why did I move out, then, he thinks, “I am going to move back home!” All too late he realizes I cannot leave my roommates out in the cold. He faces the reality that moving out is over rated.

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