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Carol Moseley Braun Essay – Women’s Studies

Carol Moseley Braun Essay- Women’s Studies
Carol Moseley Braun attended public school in Chicago and later graduated from the University of Chicago with a Law degree in 1972. Braun has become a pioneer for African American women in the arena of politics. She has managed to

pass bills that affect education, housing discrimination, and practices for better government in the state of Illinois. As well as successfully winning approval of many supporters, Braun became a presidential nomination candidate in the 2004 election. Although, unsuccessful in winning the democratic nomination, Braun maintained an impressive political career.

Braun became a prosecutor in the United States’ Attorney’s office from 1973 to 1977. In 1978, Braun was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives. She was known for her advocacy and ability to debate. Braun has set out to make government more held responsible for making education a top priority. Braun was able to acquire support from those of different races who were committed to this cause. Braun became the chief support of the 1985 Urban School Improvement Act which helped to empower parent organizations at all schools throughout Chicago. She was also solely responsible for every school bill that affected education from 1980 to 1987. These bills included; higher salaries for professors and for public aid recipients to attend school without losing their benefits. After serving two terms, Braun was selected to become the first African American women in Illinois history to serve as Assistant Majority Leader.

Braun passed bills to reform education and to ban discrimination in housing and private clubs. Later, another bill was introduced that barred the state of Illinois from investing funds in South Africa, until the apartheid system was abolished. Braun also filed and won the “one man, one vote” principle in Illinois.

Braun won the “Best Legislator” award given by independent voters for then years in a row.

In 1987, Braun was nominated for the office of Recorder of Deeds as a part of a multi- ethnic, multi-racial and gender balanced “Dream Ticket.” Braun made history once elected to this position with more than one million votes cast in her favor. She became the first African American women to hold executive office in Cook County government.

Braun was elected 1992 Senate primary victory over two-term incumbent Senator Alan Dixon; although her two opponents outspent her by more than 20 to 1. Braun defeated Dixon and personal injury lawyer Al Hofeld in a positive campaign emphasizing issues over dirt slinging. She took office in January 5, 1993 to serve the people of Illinois.

In 2004 Braun was a democratic candidate for the 2004 presidential election. She was not poling well in important states such as Iowa and New Hampshire and had a campaign in debt of thousands of dollars.

Despite, this loss Braun has maintained her affiliations in the political arena and is involved with the Juvenile Justice, Courts and Administrative Practice Subcommittees of the Judiciary Committee. She is till committed to housing and urban affairs. Braun is an African American woman that has promoted and caused change in arena such as education, government and fair housing. She has set precedence for woman in the political arena and I admire her commitment to the policies she has helped to enforce.

Work Cited

Wikipedia (2005) Carol for president, 1993-1999. Retrieved July 27, 2005 from Wikipedia database.

Lifton, M.(2004). Biography for senator carol moseley braun (Vol 13 )Mary Institute for the Humanities, McLeiden Library

Bryant, J. (2003)The significance of carol moseley braun.