Day: October 21, 2010

  • The Four Functions of Management

    Every organization in existence big or small, from the military and government to the small business on main street implements the four functions of management. [adsense:336×280:1:1] Management is defined as the process of working with people and resources to accomplish organizational goals (Bateman & Snell, 2009). This definition of

  • ExpatriConcerns of a Global Company and Human Resources

    In this high competitive environment, a multinational company must have global perspective and international knowledge in order to keep competitive advantage.(Babara et al., 1995).So expatriate performance management is very important for the success of multinational enterprises( MNEs).

  • Productivity in Public Administration

    The issue of productivity management sometimes referred to as performance management is an area of great concern to public mangers. There are several strategies that can be used in public management but the selection and use of the most suitable one depends on the situation and the manager involved. Managers in the public sector are…

  • Marketing is Essential to Business

    Marketing is an essential facet in the development and success of every organization in today’s business world. This complex term is often used to describe the process that companiey’s use to communicate, deliver and satisfy their consumer’s need and wants. Through the use of plans known as marketing strategies, organizations can set various objectives that…