Day: April 21, 2010

  • Good management characteristics of Planning & Leading

    Traditionally, the term “management” refers to the activities (and often the group of people) involved in the four general functions: planning, organising, leading and controlling of resources. The four functions recur throughout the organisation and are highly integrated to achieve a certain organisational goal in an effective and efficient manner (Samson & Daft, 2009). Emerging…

  • Aristotle and Living a Virtuous Life

    Although he lived 2,392 years ago, Aristotle’s ideas and theories of how people think of themselves and their life are still discussed today. What is good? What are we trying to achieve? Why, how, what, and when are all questions we as people ask ourselves all the time. Aristotle tries to help us understand ourselves…

  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

    The Humanistic Psychologist, Abraham Maslow, developed a 5-Level theory, known as the Hierarchy of Needs, by which to explain human motivation. According to the Hierarchy of Needs Theory, before human beings can seek to fulfill any other needs, our primary biological needs must be met (Maslow, 1970). This first level, according to Maslow’s Theory, addresses…