Day: January 1, 2010

  • Strategies in the economic meltdown

    The breeziest word of the modern days happens to be “Economic Meltdown”. This has caused unwanted panic and has resulted in the downward trend of the economic scenario and negative outlook in the minds of every common man in every nook and corner of the world. So let us know the real fact about this…

  • Whisper

    Chapter 1 Tokumoto Okata had just lost his mother. His father died when he was 15. Now at the age of 17, still in school and no job, Tokumoto thought that he was not yet ready to live on his own. He decided it was time to live with his grandfather, Kitato, who lives in…

  • NANOTECHNOLOGY ( Molecular or NANO- Manufacturing)

    The idea of molecular manufacturing is based on the concept of scaling which is hence required to be deeply studied the various concepts for nano based manufacturing have been developed or proposed as a hypothesis. The main concepts with which we deal in this paper are the basic concept of nanotechnology and further the idea…