I. Web Design
• What is Web Design?
Web design is the design of web pages, websites and web applications using HTML, CSS, images, and other media.
Web design is part of starting a website (web development) which can include web server configuration, writing web applications and server security. 1
• How it works vs How it looks
Since so many web developers have a graphic arts background, some may pay more attention to how a page looks, without considering how visitors are going to find the page via a search engine. Some may rely more on advertising than search engines to attract visitors to the site. On the other side of the issue, search engine optimization consultants (SEOs) obsess about how well a web site works technically and textually: how much traffic it generates via search engines, and how many sales it makes, assuming looks don’t contribute to the sales. 2
II. Reasoning Behind Project Choice
• Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering was originally my first choice. I love computers, so that was the first thing that came to my mind. Still my mentor challenged me, we both decided that this project will help not only in a passing grade, but towards my career. He explained to me that Computer Engineering had a lot of science in the college plan. That made a big impact on my decision, I’m not to fund of science that Computer Engineering was definitely out of the picture
• Graphics and Multimedia
This seemed like it would be fun and interesting. There wasn’t a lot of science involved so that made it one of my top choices. Nevertheless, after all the excitement of graphics, I realized I’m not a good artist. My mentor explained to me that this career has a lot to do with art.
• Web Design
After I made my decision, I found a career. Web Design seemed just perfect. It didn’t involve a lot of science and art. As I decided on Web Design, my mentor and I quickly came up with different lay-outs on the project. I knew this was acceptable for me, I wanted to be able to use this project as a stepping stone toward my career in web design. Computers and the Internet have always been interesting to me. We decided to make a web site for my schools basketball team. This seemed perfect, I was happy to know that my mentor was just as excited as I am!
III. Project Desciption
• Original Choice
I originally decided to make a fan web- site for my favorite basketball team. I was going to research and find data on their stats, bio, the teams schedule and interesting facts on the players. Still, this project didn’t seem as appealing to me or my mentor. I have a very big imagination; although, this was a good idea it just wasn’t appealing enough for me. My mentor wanted this project to be successful enough to take it anywhere; therefore, a change had to be made.
• Final Choice
As my mentor and I brainstormed we came across my school web- site. The web-site was fine, but it didn’t tell much about the players. The site was very vague. This was my senior exit project, why not make a web site that can benefit myself and the school! We decided that we can make a site that had better contrast with the colors and layout, showing current stats, schedules, news, and quicker links. We decided to show players pictures, this was a great idea. Now, we could take the project and use it in the community. Anyone who didn’t recognize the players by names will now be able to click and refer to pictures.
IV. Goals
• Website must be informational
Although one of our goals is trying to make a more attractive site; nevertheless, the site still has to be informational. We can’t just go for glamour, the site must have information referring to stats, records, etc. Yes, looks are appealing, but the site can’t be helpful if it doesn’t inform viewers.
• User Friendly
Sometimes some web pages are very complicated. My web-site will be user friendly. A “rookie” (when it comes to computer technology) will be able to find their way around the web-site. Easy click on links will be one of the many improvements, updated news, and current stats. The page will be very vivid and easy to understand.
• Target Audience
I want to be able to let this website be a reference for not only the school, but the community, parents, other schools, and for any scouts. This page will allow college coaches and fans, the opportunity to find out more about there players and team. I think this will be good for the team, as well benefiting the school.
V. Current Site Analysis (What’s wrong with the current site)
• Negative
When observing the school’s web-site, it failed to meet some of the requirements I would like to see as an athlete. Although it had our schedule and roster, it just seemed plain. As, a athlete I would like to see more for our website. The colors are too bright and without the basketball the page seems dull. I think it would look nicer if the page had pictures, bio’s for the players, current and past stats, those would be some of the improvements that will be available in my site.
• Positive
Of course it good that we even have a web-site, some other schools are not as fortunate. I like the fact that it tells on the roster our positions and what classification we are. It’s not hard to follow links from page to page; although just getting to the school web-site is quite a hassle.
VI. Flowchart Diagram
• What is a flowchart?
A flowchart is a schematic representation of a process. They are commonly used in business/economic presentations to help the audience visualize the content better, or to find flaws in the process. 3
The flowchart is one of the seven basic tools of quality control, which include the histogram, Pareto chart, check sheet, control chart, cause-and-effect diagram, flowchart, and scatter diagram.
• What’s in my flowchart?
My flowchart will consist of a homepage that will link to all the other pages. The color schemes will be different, and the site will be more attractive. It will also consist of linking the viewers to the stats, roster, player information, news, pictures, and possibly videos. This will also make my page user friendly while still bringing excitement to the page.
VII. Conclusion
This page is not only a page that will get me a passing grade. It will allow me to help my school while further advancing my knowledge in the field of web design. College is a big thing to me, and so is this project. Nevertheless with my mentor’s guidance, this page will take some time, but the rewards of my finish project will be plentiful.