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Veronika Summary – Government Article Summary

Veronika Summary – Government Article Summary
This article points out some of the most important moves that the Russian Government made in order to secure its control in the organized crime and to allow the so called “Russian Mafiya” to normally operate. It tries to alert the rest of the world of the threat that Russian organized crime represents. The article focuses on the methods that they use in order to keep everything

under their control. The Communist Party is still very much present and dangerous, but working silently through the “underground”. The author of the article accuses the KGB to have created a vast international network through which it conducts its affairs and off course makes billions of dollars trough. He implies that, what America is doing when working with Russia, in the name of fighting against organized crime, is in fact helping its growth as it is connected to the Russian government itself. I shall quote Yuri Maltsev, a former senior adviser to Mikhail Gorbachev, who stated: “Russia has become the criminal capital of the world. In Russia today, the organized mafia and the government are one and the same thing. They are two hands of the same ruling elite,…, in short, you have a criminal state using criminals to enforce what is called the law.”.


Ta ?lanek poudari nekatere najbolj pomembne poteze, ki jih je Ruska vlada naredila z namenom, da si zagotovi nadzor nad organiziranim kriminalom ter, da omogo?i tako imenovani »Ruski Mafiyi« normalno delovanje. Poskuša obvestito preostali svet o grožnji, ki jo predstavlja Ruski organiziran kriminal. ?lanek se osredoto?i na metode, s katerimi si zagotavljajo popolno kontrolo. Komunisti?na stranka je že vedno prisotna in nevarna, vendar sedaj deluje tiho skozi »podzemlje«. Avtor ?lanka obtožuje KGB, da si je ustvaril široko mednarodno mrežo, skozi katero deluje in seveda služi miljarde dolarjev. Namiguje, da z vsem kar Amerika po?ne v sodelovanju z Russijo, v imenu boja proti organiziranemu kriminalu, dejansko pomaga le-temu, saj je ta globoko povezan z Rusko vlado. Citiral bom Yurija Maltseva, bivšega višjega svetovalca od Mikhaila Gorbachewa, ki je dejal: »Rusija je postala glavno mesto kriminala sveta. Danesa sta v Rusiji vlada in mafija ena in ista stvar. Sta dve roki ene vladajo?e elite,…, na kratko imate kriminalno državo, ki uporablja kriminalce, da izvršujejo tisto, kar se imenuje zakon.«.