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New York University Graduate School Application – Example Essay

New York University Graduate School Application – Example Essay

1.Think about the decisions you have made in your life. Describe the following:

PAST: What choices have you made that led you your current position?

PRESENT: Why is a Stern MBA necessary at this point in your life?

FUTURE: What is your desired position upon graduation from the Stern School?

Since I had worked in the xxx department of xxx, established by my deceased father, the yearly income was $xx million in 19xx, my major problem was a lack of knowledge in Finance and Management. Upon graduation from undergraduate studies, I was employed in the Management Planning Team. Because I did not have the background in business administration from majoring in xxx Literature in undergraduate, I realized the difficulty in grasping the concept of general company matters, marketing analysis, and setting up the short and long-term marketing plan. When I participated in the future development of xxx and sales project for 10 months that began in February 19xx, I realized that I was incapable of successfully performing my duties as an Assistant Manager with 8 staff members for a project in which the company heavily depended upon. It was then that I had realized what special talent was needed to become a successful manager.

For instance, while analyzing xxx, xxx’s technological advantage and marketing strategies, I realized the importance of learning Marketing Research and Strategy. I also realized the importance of Financial Management and Corporate Financial Policies when planning sales and marketing strategies for the future sales of xxx and strategies for increasing our market. Through these experiences, I became strongly motivated to applying to your college. If I am given the opportunity, I would like to study Corporate Finance and Financial Strategy. In my situation that I should come back to the xxx which was established by my deceased father and join the management team, without the knowledge of finance, I could not successfully manage the company and be an incompetent businessman. I would like to focus my studies on subjects relating to Entrepreneurship and Marketing. I believe that I am qualified to be competitive among your students because I have earned a certificate of Accounting and Finance, sponsored by the xxx. Along with this basic background, I am currently studying Finance as a graduate student at the xxx University Business School.

Stern School is my top choice for two main reasons. First of all, Stern offers diverse courses such as ‘Restructuring and Firm & Industries,’ ‘Venture Capital Financing,’ and ‘Investment Strategy,’ that are not offered at the xxx University. Second reason is the many advantages that can be offered from the location of your school, with worldwide competitive corporations gathered in New York. Upon graduation from the Stern School, I plan to be the most representative person at xxx by learning and applying the strategies of these large growing global corporations in New York, and if possible I would like to analyze our competitors, xxx and xxx. I would also like to have experience with the U.S. market and its’ customer characteristics in preparation for future plan of xxx to set up xxx subsidiaries in U.S. I plan to work for 5 years at xxx after graduation from Stern, by improving xxx so that it will rank second to xxx. My long-term goal is to be able to challenge the CEO’s of the top 5 ranking companies in Korea, such as Hyundai of Korea. In addition, to achieve my goals, I plan to earn the CFA certification upon my MBA studies. Armed with the CFA certification and Top School’s International bent, strength in finance and management training, I will be ready to place that call to the trader in China, conduct a teleconference with xxx corporation in Tokyo, and visit the CFO in America.

2.Please agree or disagree with two of the following quotes. Give relevant reasons and/or examples to support your answer.

“The truth is the strongest argument”

An argument is one of the most important factor that creates an economic gap between western and eastern countries. The most critical theory in the West is an argument society. Because I grew up in a strict Confucius family, the idea of an argument with an older person was not accepted and prohibited. Those of the younger generation were to obey the older unconditionally. I was educated that because those who were older were considered to be wiser, there was no need to challenge them in their beliefs. Not only was I raised under Confucianism, but most of Korean students were educated and have been habitually behaving this way as well, that any form of disagreement with an elder is unacceptable. Generally, most students even after they have graduated from college, try not to argue with older students or professors. I came to realize the necessity of an argumentation society in Korea from my 2 years and a half experience at xxx. Top executives generally make critical decisions for the future of the company, solely based on their ideas, and by ignoring the other employees. Based on my experience in the company, a major decision without making a detailed analysis and not considering employees’ opinions was bound to be a failure, damaging the company with a tremendous loss. I would like to have the opportunity to experience and study in an argument society as can be demonstrated in American universities and companies, so that I can apply this theory for the future management of xxx.

Another matter I would like to discuss about an argument is the truth behind an argumentation. I believe that the truth should support an argument persuasively. Even though an argument without a form of truth can win in the short-term, it is bound to be a failure in the long-run by its’ true evidence. I strongly believe that an argument under truth is a critical factor in the success of a company’s management. Today, some companies’ management strategy focuses only on techniques that can be beneficial for an argument rather than focusing on an argument based on the truth, in which some companies view as the key factor. In the end, the company will not survive in the long-run because the truth will be proven by the consumers. I would like to use such a situation of a company that induces the customers with false argumentation and their consequence as a precaution to the future strategic management of xxx.

“Change in all things is sweet”

Aristotle insisted that all changes are not developmental, but I would like to see changes in the most positive way. In my philosophy, although innovation can bring about negative consequences, effort for innovation should not be negatively perceived or underestimated. The relevance of this theory can be seen not only through my deceased father who had been working for the company for 30 years, but through my experience in the company for two and a half years, where employees were hesitant to make changes. My father has always been striving for ‘change,’ even though he was raised and educated in the typical Korean Confucian family. He always challenged the company’s conservative culture and encouraged a ‘creative mind,’ by emphasizing a common Korean proverb ‘old water in a small hole will be decayed.’ When I left the Management Planning Team of xxx, I proposed a sole brand strategy for the company beyond the set boundary of 5 years – xxx goal called OEM, with the strong influence of my late father. In order to be in competition with xxx, xxx and to create a global brand, xxx should in the long-run change to a sole brand priority beyond OEM that captures 70% of the total income.

Even though my proposal was slow in its’ process, I believe that change in itself will be the cornerstone for the firm’s future development, since xxx never had significant changes for the past 15 years. First, the most important factor in change is the belief in success. Second, by investigation and definite strategic planning, there is a less chance for risks in the process of change. We should not mistakenly assume that once we make a change, we will have definitive results for success without any strategic preparation. I strongly support that a company that tries to make changes without the basis of knowledge and experience is bound to fail. These are the reasons for my desire to study in your college.

3.Describe yourself to your MBA classmates

My nickname is ‘Godfather.’ I admire the old movie star named Marlon Brando because of his strong characteristics, which characterizes me. My close friend calls me the ‘Godfather’ because I listen to my friends’ worries and try to help them in the best way that I can. I am thankful to my parents who enabled me to grow up in a family that was economically and physically stable. I never had the experience of not being well off because my father was the president. Some might argue that this background was my weakness, however it was fortunate that I became a person who did not take this privilege for advantage and a person with self-control. I was strictly educated by my father who had a strong belief that “money can spoil a child.”The other reason for being called the ‘Godfather,’ is that when I was in middle school and high school, I secretly helped some of my poor friends who could not afford tuition. I remember back in high school when I helped a friend without letting him know for a year and a half, who was on the brink of being sent out for not paying tuition. However, when this secret was found out, my friends always called me the ‘Godfather.’

Growing up in a financially stable family influenced me to be a person with composure and flexibility. Such characteristics can be reflected upon my experience. When I was in the xxx management planning team, as an Assistant Manager, I delayed the deadline for the report and analysis of the xxx in the Korean market, even though the deadline was already set by the manager. Conflict arose between us. I did feel sorry for my wrongdoing, but I believe that managers should not push the employees especially when given a difficult task. From experience, I can say that trying to complete a difficult task within a limited amount of time can reduce the employee’s motivation and as a result make the work less qualitative. If I am given the opportunity to be a MBA candidate, I would like my fellow colleagues to recognize me as a person with flexibility – a person who is willing to spend all night together, exploring new ideas for a report or a person who can help others relieve their stress when feeling tense. Thank you.

4.Think about the decisions you have made in your life. Describe the following:
PAST: What choices have you made that led you your current position?
PRESENT: Why is a Stern MBA necessary at this point in your life?
FUTURE: What is your desired position upon graduation from the Stern School?

Since I had worked in the xxx department of xxx, whose yearly income was $xx million in 19xx, my major problem was a lack of knowledge in Finance and Management. Upon graduation from undergraduate studies, I was employed in the Management Planning Team. Because I did not have the background in business administration from majoring in xxx Literature in undergraduate, I realized the difficulty in grasping the concept of general company matters, marketing analysis, and setting up the short and long-term marketing plan. When I participated in the future development of xxx and sales project for 10 months that began in February 19xx, I realized that I was incapable of successfully performing my duties as an Assistant Manager with 8 staff members for a project in which the company heavily depended upon. It was then that I had realized what special talent was needed to become a successful manager.

For instance, while analyzing xxx, xxx’s technological advantage and marketing strategies, I realized the importance of learning Marketing Research and Strategy. I also realized the importance of Financial Management and Corporate Financial Policies when planning sales and marketing strategies for the future sales of xxx and strategies for increasing our market. Through these experiences, I became strongly motivated to applying to your college. If I am given the opportunity, I would like to study Corporate Finance and Financial Strategy. In my situation that I should come back to the xxx, and join the management team, without the knowledge of finance, I could not successfully manage the company and be an incompetent businessman. I would like to focus my studies on subjects relating to Entrepreneurship and Marketing. I believe that I am qualified to be competitive among your students because I have earned a certificate of Accounting and Finance, sponsored by the xxx. Along with this basic background, I am currently studying Finance as a graduate student at the xxx University Business School. Stern School is my top choice for two main reasons. First of all, Stern offers diverse courses such as ‘Restructuring and Firm & Industries,’ ‘Venture Capital Financing,’ and ‘Investment Strategy,’ that are not offered at the xxx University.

Second reason is the many advantages that can be offered from the location of your school, with worldwide competitive corporations gathered in New York. Upon graduation from the Stern School, I plan to be the most representative person at xxx by learning and applying the strategies of these large growing global corporations in New York, and if possible I would like to analyze our competitors, xxx and xxx. I would also like to have experience with the U.S. market and its’ customer characteristics in preparation for future plan of xxx to set up xxx subsidiaries in U.S. I plan to work for 5 years at xxx after graduation from Stern, by improving xxx so that it will rank second to xxx. My long-term goal is to be able to challenge the CEO’s of the top 5 ranking companies in Korea, such as Hyundai of Korea. In addition, to achieve my goals, I plan to earn the CFA certification upon my MBA studies. Armed with the CFA certification and Top School’s International bent, strength in finance and management training, I will be ready to place that call to the trader in China, conduct a teleconference with xxx corporation in Tokyo, and visit the CFO in America.

5.Please agree or disagree with two of the following quotes. Give relevant reasons and/or examples to support your answer.

“The truth is the strongest argument”

An argument is one of the most important factors that create an economic gap between western and eastern countries. The most critical theory in the West is an argument society. Because I grew up in a strict Confucius family, the idea of an argument with an older person was not accepted and prohibited. Those of the younger generation were to obey the older unconditionally. I was educated that because those who were older were considered to be wiser, there was no need to challenge them in their beliefs. Not only was I raised under Confucianism, but most of Korean students were educated and have been habitually behaving this way as well, that any form of disagreement with an elder is unacceptable. Generally, most students even after they have graduated from college try not to argue with older students or professors. I came to realize the necessity of an argumentation society in Korea from my 2 years and a half experience at xxx. Top executives generally make critical decisions for the future of the company, solely based on their ideas, and by ignoring the other employees. Based on my experience in the company, a major decision without making a detailed analysis and not considering employees’ opinions was bound to be a failure, damaging the company with a tremendous loss. I would like to have the opportunity to experience and study in an argument society as can be demonstrated in American universities and companies, so that I can apply this theory for the future management of xxx.

Another matter I would like to discuss about an argument is the truth behind an argumentation. I believe that the truth should support an argument persuasively. Even though an argument without a form of truth can win in the short-term, it is bound to be a failure in the long run by its’ true evidence. I strongly believe that an argument under truth is a critical factor in the success of a company’s management. Today, some companies’ management strategy focuses only on techniques that can be beneficial for an argument rather than focusing on an argument based on the truth, in which some companies view as the key factor. In the end, the company will not survive in the long run because the truth will be proven by the consumers. I would like to use such a situation of a company that induces the customers with false argumentation and their consequence as a precaution to the future strategic management of xxx.

“Change in all things is sweet”

Aristotle insisted that all changes are not developmental, but I would like to see changes in the most positive way. In my philosophy, although innovation can bring about negative consequences, effort for innovation should not be negatively perceived or underestimated. The relevance of this theory can be seen not only through my deceased father who had been working for the company for 30 years, but through my experience in the company for two and a half years, where employees were hesitant to make changes. My father has always been striving for ‘change,’ even though he was raised and educated in the typical Korean Confucian family. He always challenged the company’s conservative culture and encouraged a ‘creative mind,’ by emphasizing a common Korean proverb ‘old water in a small hole will be decayed.’ When I left the Management Planning Team of xxx. I proposed a sole brand strategy for the company beyond the set boundary of 5 years – xxx goal called OEM, with the strong influence of my late father. In order to be in competition with xxx, xxx and to create a global brand, xxx should in the long-run change to a sole brand priority beyond OEM that captures 70% of the total income. Even though my proposal was slow in its’ process, I believe that change in itself will be the cornerstone for the firm’s future development, since xxx never had significant changes for the past 15 years. First, the most important factor in change is the belief in success. Second, by investigation and definite strategic planning, there is a less chance for risks in the process of change. We should not mistakenly assume that once we make a change, we would have definitive results for success without any strategic preparation. I strongly support that a company that tries to make changes without the basis of knowledge and experience is bound to fail. These are the reasons for my desire to study in your college.