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A Love Poem – Creative Writing (100 Level Course)

A Love Poem – creative writing (100 Level Course)

Written in pencil, sealed with a kiss.
If you like me, listen to this…
Of all the girls I´ve ever met,

You’re the one I can’t forget.
Your heart is like a diamond,
Hard to get and hard to hold.

I believe that God created this love for me,
So that I can learn to love and get the magic key.
He picked you out from all the rest,

Because he knew I would love you best.
If I go to heaven and you’re not there,
I´ll wait for you on the golden stairs.

If you’re not there on Judgement Day,
I´ll know you went the other way.
I´ll give the angels back my wings,

Their golden crowns and all those things.
And just because my love is true,
I prefer to go to hell to be with you.