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HIspanic American Diversity

The Hispanics are Americans with origins in Hispanic countries of Latin American or Spain, some ethnic groups include Mexican, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Venezuelan American.

Mexican American
Mexican American, are American born of Mexican heritage. They count for more than the 12.5% of all the population of the United State population, out of the total number of hispanics in the United State, Mexican American are about 64% of the total population. The language spoken among Mexican Americans is about 50% Spanish speaking only, about 26% are bilingual, and just about 23% speak English as their primary language (Schaefer, R., 2006). Due to discrimination, there has been a decline in the political involvement among Mexican American, according to Santoro (2005), the decline can be attributed to the weakening of the ethnic ties and identities that keep this group together. Social status between Mexican American, is related to the Spanish language, more than to money, job, power and prestige, among other. Mexican American have a deep reverence for religion, most of them are Catholic, and keep in a special place the image of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe) which is a very important catholic of the Virgin Mary. He Virgin of Guadalupe, is also a very important cultural image. Just like in Mexico, Mexican American have very close families, the center of their social structure lies within the family. Mexican American families are typically large and extended, women, although an important and respected part on the family, are seen as secondary to their husbands, which are the head of the family.

Puerto Rican
Because Puerto Rico is a United State territory, Puerto Ricans are considered United States citizen. This has gave a great advantage the to Puerto Ricans, because they are very proficient in Spanish as well as in English, therefore when they come to the United States, they have no problems or issues with the language. Religion can be very diverse among Puerto Rican, they can be catholics, as well as Muslim, Baptist or Methodists, or any other religion. In their family lives, Puerto Rican value family and unity. Because Puerto Ricans are considered the same as a person born in the United States, in politics they have the same rights and duties, as any other United State citizen, and even though they cannot vote, they do not have to pay federal taxes.

Cuban American
Cuban American are a predominant Spanish speaking group, although many of them a English proficient. Cubans have had great accomplishment in the political arena, they have members in the United States House of Representatives, and the House of Senate, they have also develop their own political organizations, which opposes the government of Fidel Castro. Because the resent Cubans that have immigrated to the United States are not well educated and prepared, they are not being well received, and because of that they are not able to obtain good jobs. However, Cubans that immigrated many years ago, had success in businesses, and second generations are the once enjoying this success. As any other Hispanic group, Cuban American values the importance of family, with the men at the head, and the women by their side. Cuban are Catholics; however, they mix their religion with many aspects and elements of African religions, giving birth a religion known as Lucumi.
South American: Venezuelan American
Venezuelans American in the United States are fairly new compare to other ethnic groups such as the Cuban American or the Mexican American that have been in the United Sates far longer than them. Venezuelan American have as a primary language Spanish; however, most of them are bilingual. Venezuelans learn English from an early age, as it is required in the school curriculum from first grade, all the way to high school. Venezuelans come to the United States mostly to protect their current way of living, because due to political instability, it is difficult for them to maintain it in their country. Family bonds are of very importance in for Venezuelan American, they rely their families, and the family unity is the center of the social integrity; the man in not always the head of the family, couples share equal power when it comes to family matters, the talk with each other before taking a decision, for them their parents are the main source of advice. In the United States Venezuelans will try to group with other Venezuelans, this way they will be able to maintain their social structure, skin color is not at issue, what is important to have social status is how much money one have, or how much it looks like someone have. Regarding religion, Venezuelan American are catholics, although they are not as devout as other groups, they see religious holidays as an excuse to gather together and party. Venezuelan American are not involve much in politics, they can be seen more as business owners, actors, singers or designers.
As we have seen, Hispanic ethnic groups can share many characteristics, primarily the language, and their family values; however, they are also different in several ways, not all of them are politically involve on their communities, and their social standard are different, while some look how the other speak, others, like the Venezuelan American, look to how much money the other have. Their religion views are a mixed as these different groups are. It can be concluded that even though because a large group of people speaks the same language they cannot be group into a single group. As ethnic groups each of them is different, even though there are similar thing among them.

Chun, S.C. (2006). Anti-Castro Political Ideology among Cuban Americans in the Miami Area: Cohort and Generational Differences. All Academic, Retrieved 12/08/09, from
Franklin, R. (2006, November 1). Hispanics in America: Culture and Mexicans, Cubans, Venezuelans. Associated Press. Retrieved from
Perez, R. (1985). The Status of Puerto Ricans in the United States. National Congress for Puerto Rican Rights, ERIC # ED273711, Retrieved 12/06/09,
Santoro,, W. (2005). Generational Status and Mexican American Political Participation: The Benefits Limitations of Assimilation. All Academic, Retrieved 12/06/09, from
Schaefer, Richard (2006). Racial and Ethnic Groups (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:: Pearson Prentice Hall.