Comparison of Egyptian, Mesopotamian and modern monumental architecture

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The three types of architecture to be compared are: Egyptian, Mesopotamian and modern architecture. The three common things of the three types was that they wanted to draw attention to the importance of people in their world. Each one helped form the world as they knew it.

The Mesopotamian architecture was a period of new buildings. The empire of Assurbanipal spanned the Fertile Crescent from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. In Mesopotamia the kings were considered to be representatives of the gods.
In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs were gods. They believed that even after their deaths that they continued to rule. Pharoahs were expected to rule forever, and their tombs were more important than their palace. Home after death was a place called a pyramid. Nineveh on the Tigris River was the largest city of its day. The world’s largest library was housed there.
The Egyptian architecture was greatly influenced by Ramses. Ramses was one of the last great Pharahos which were considered Gods in Egypt. The pharaohs bore responsibility for the kingdoms well being. All the good things in life came from the Pharoah. The people were very self absorbed. In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs were gods. They believed that even after their deaths that they continued to rule. Pharoahs were expected to rule forever, and their tombs were more important than their palace. Showiness and the ability to make everyone look at you was the intention of the day. The Pharoahs wanted to build an empire. Home after death was a place called a pyramid. Nineveh on the Tigris River was the largest city of its day. The world’s largest library was housed in that city.
The Egyptians created temples and replicas of themselves. Ramses adorned the temples with statues of himself. He also stocked his burial chamber with luxuries, gold and jewelry so that it could be known his achievements. Tombs were even more important than palaces to them.
The Modern Architecture was more geared to farmland. Farming was the major source of income. They wanted to create a lifestyle and architecture that helped create their vision of a comfortable life. As architecture has continued to evolve, it is not based upon kings and gods, and it is built upon beauty and being able to be viewed and enjoyed centuries later.

In conclusion, all three types of architecture, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, and Modern Architecture had grand types of architecture. Each were trying to make a statement that their reign was the most important. Each civilization wanted to be remembered for the great one they were and did not want to be written off. They each felt that their civilizations had weight and merit.

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