What makes a teacher a good effective teacher? Why do we want to become teachers? Maybe we were born to teach? Maybe it is just in our genes and heritary? Though after reading this article by Anthony D. Fredrick excerpted from “The Complete Guide To Success As A Teacher” 2005, I realized that there are many qualities that go into becoming an effective teacher and many strategies that go along with teaching effectively.
An organization called INTASC (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium0 established guidelines for preparing, licensing, and certifying educators.
Principal one states that the teacher should understand basic concepts that he or she may teach and teachers should create learning experiences that are interesting and meaningful for the students.
Principal two states that teachers should promote student’s intellectual, social, and personal development to the highest extent.
Principal three says that teachers should understand that each child is different and should create instructional opportunities that are adapted for diverse learners.
Principal four states that teachers should use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student’s developmental of thinking, problem solving and performance skills.
Principal five points out that teachers should emphasize individual work and group participation to create a positive social and active learning environment.
Principal Six states that teachers should use the knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and media to foster active collaboration in the classroom.
Principal Seven points out that teachers should plan teaching lessons based on knowledge of the students, community and curriculum goals.
Principal eight, lists that teachers should use more formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous development of the learner.
Principal Nine claims that the teacher should seek out the opportunity to grow professionally.
And finally principal ten states that teachers should focus on reaching out to their colleagues and community for help with teaching.
The writer of this article points out that your effectiveness as a teacher depends on much more than your knowledge of a particular subject, but on your success and will rely heavily on your characteristics.
Surveys and research supports that “You Are A Person” Your personality is a major and predominant factor in success of students. Effective teachers are joyful and excited about what they teach and also must have a good sense of humor. Humor helps breakdown barriers establishes good rapport and builds strong classroom communities. You should be passionate about what you teach!
Effective teachers are inquisitive. They continuously ask questions and they serve as good role models. Good teachers are also creative. They’re willing to expereriment and try new approaches to learning.
Brilliant teachers seek help from their colleagues, seek impute from administrators.
These teachers are change makers and they are not afraid to make a change and are always they view change in a positive element.
The classroom should be a state of transition and always evolving.
Teachers should also be flexible and have had the opportunity “roll with the punches.” These teachers should give structure and clarity, motivation, high expectations, questioning, use praise and technology.
Using a strategy called “differentiated instruction” teachers can respond to all students’ differences by offering multiple options for instruction and assessment. It creates a classroom climate where all students from gifted to special needs, can learn together.
In conclusion I feel that the most effective teaching technique is when a teacher can look back and reflect on their teaching. Reflective teaching is when the teacher can ask herself: What teaching strategy did I use today? Were all my students engaged in the material? How did I assess my students’ learning today?
Can I fine tune tomorrow’s or next week’s lesson? I feel as a teacher and as a human being, there is always room for improvement as a teacher and we are always learning!
Teachers , Schools and Society ninth edition author David Miller Sadker and Karen R. Zittleman, pgs. 382-414
Article from “The Complete Guide to Success as a Teacher,” Author Anthony D. Fredrick, 2005