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Depletion of Ozone Layer

Ozone is one of the vital components of the atmosphere. It is a tri-atomic oxygen and along with mono-atomic oxygen is more pre-dominant in the upper atmosphere where ozone shields the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation and water vapor

molecules are split by sunlight into hydrogen gas and oxygen atoms.Ozone evolves from oxygen.Although ozone represents oxygen in many respects, ozone and oxygen have their own individual characteristics. Ozone is 1.5 times as dense as oxygen. At -112 degree celsius, ozone condenses to a dark blue liquid. It freezes at -251 degree celsius. On the other hand, oxygen is a pale blue gas liquid below -103 degree celsius. It becomes solid at about -210 degree celsius. Ozone becomes solid at about -218 degree celsius. It is 1.1 times heavier than air.

Ozone is a simple molecule composed of three oxygen atoms. It is present to a variable extent in the earth’s atmosphere. It is actually found in the stratosphere, the upper layer of the atmosphere. the world wide layer of ozone is of great significance to every living form on planet earth. It functions mainly as a shield, protecting all forms of life from the harmful ultraviolet radiation of the sun. It has the capacity to absorb ultraviolet radiation emitted by the mighty sun to a wavelength of about three hundred twenty nanometers. Three hundred nanometers is equivalent to three hundred twenty times ten raised to negative nine in meters. Ultraviolet wavelength of two hundred to three hundred nanometers, known as ultraviolet-B (UV-B), are more or less totally absorbed by the ozone layer. The ozone, an efficvient absorber and filter, also transmits visible light.

Ultraviolet radiation is characterized by high quantum energy. This is the reason why its power in other chemical reaction is stronger compared to that of infrared radiation. Due to its quantum energy, the boilogical effects of ultraviolet radiation are strong. If ultraviolet radiation penetrates rhe earth’s surface, it would act as a strong sterilizer and may result in the destruction of various life forms. Indeed, the effects of this radiation are detrimental to living things. But there is the ozone layer which serves as a vital and efficient protective shield of life on earth.

The ozone facilitates the maintenance of a more uniform surface temperature. It allows light rays from the sun to pass through. But it does not allow the generated heat rays to escape. It really does play a serious role in regulating the earth’s temperature. With a uniform temperature, the ecosystem is kept in balance with nature. The mutual interdependence among organisms is kept in accordance with the laws of nature.