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Bead Bar System Development

This essay will concentrate on the interior composition of the Bead Bar. The Bead Bar is an establishment that permits its consumers to produce their own costume jewelry using gear such as wire, beads and string. Presently, there are three branches

of the business composed of one studio, two franchises, and three bead Bars on Board. The role of the Bead Bar studio is to oversee the six Bead Bar studios that have 2 locations in New York City, Long Island Boston, Washington D.C. and the flagship in New Canaan, Connecticut. The franchise sector has the task of promoting beading supplies to stores that wish to open their own studio location. The franchise locations are located in Los Angeles, Kansas City, Chicago, Seattle, and Miami. The Bead Bar on Board is a moveable Bead Bar intended especially for cruise ships. The company is compiled of 15 full-time employees and 20 part-time employees.

The Bead Bar has labored with their company due to lack of efficient tools. Officials at the Bead Bar made the choice to develop their business by getting mentors to assist them with making essential adjustments to the business. In previous years, good organization has been a dilemma for the reason that the systems that were in place did help them to take advantage of many needs. Since the Bead Bar has abundant locations all through the United States, a powerful networking system is imperative to preserve communication on the inside at each location for external communication with stores and area monopoly locations. Proposals will be made for the complex structural design of the Bead Bar, and the pros and cons will be weighed

Computers are influential in operating the Bead Bar, due to the nature of the business. The Bead Bar is continuously processing request for supplies and totaling out consumer goods. When Bead Bar had a paper-based system, they encountered a high frequency of human error because they found it rather demanding to keep everything well structured. In order to get to the bottom of some of the concern, recommendations were made by consultants to purchase computer hardware, software, and database management systems. Currently, there are 2 notebook computers, 14 printers and 14 personal computers. The personal computers are equipped with standard keyboards. 17 CRT monitors, printers 2.8 MHz processor, 512.8 MB of RAM, CD-RW drives, and 80 GB hard drives. Each of the computers uses the Microsoft Windows XP Professional operating system. The Microsoft Office Productivity Suite was acquired for employees to do word processing, organize presentations, and spreadsheets. Some employees insist upon one having access to Adobe PageMaker, QuickBooks, Interact Commerce Corporation’s Act! The Bead Bar operates on Oracle 9i database, which is a project database management system, intended to deal with the growing needs of the Bead Bar. As time moves forward, they are looking to arrange their records accurately through a network so their database can operate to its full capability.

Recommendation Overview
In order to operate a well-organized business, it is essential for the Bead Bar to have a mesh topology. The mesh topology would work well for the Bead Bar since this type of networking system is extremely consistent, and communicates information quick and efficiently. This particular layout would focus on the trepidations of the executives, and since the Bead Bar is spread throughout the United States, this blueprint would be the most cost-effective. According to questions tackled by executives at the Bead Bar, they would like network design and topology that would allow them to broadcast facts, and send data quickly, and if possible connect to other computers. The human resource manager stated concerns about the confidentiality of information. In this case a client-server would best benefit the Bead Bar.

Network Topology
The mesh topology would be the best fit for the Bead Bar. The Bead Bar has several offices throughout the United States and the mesh topology would afford a way for the franchise locations to communicate back and forth. The mesh network is perfect for a business that will have several system links. This network is highly dependable because there is no hub needed. The Bead Bar articulated clear apprehension about how fast data would travel between locations, so a mesh network would without doubt attend to this interest. This network runs well because each node connects directly to the other.

The mesh topology is the most cost-effective topology fitting for the needs of the Bead Bar. Miriam, the Vice President of Marketing deems it necessary for all studios to be coupled so she can access information that will prove useful for sales and marketing strategies. Julia, the Chief Financial Officer voiced concerns in regard to the cost of the network. The mesh network would be the most appropriate network topology in provisions of meeting the standards of basic needs for the executives and it is also the most proficient topology that would meet their network specifications.

Network Architecture
The Bar must have a client-server architecture set up to facilitate their network. The client-server allocates computers, grant services, process requests, and act as a client. The server is an extremely powerful computer that is set up to handle multiple demands at the same time. The server is an indispensable source of memory, because it can function as a main foundation of all information storage that is pertinent to the operation of the Bead Bar. The server should be set up to share consumer data, and act as an effective storage unit.

The client-server network architecture would prove to be more beneficial to the executives of the Bead Bar, thus proving useful for the Bead Bar. Some executives noted that they wanted the ability to transmit communication to the various branches of the company. There are some materials that the executives would like to keep hush-hush and maintain full control of the main source of data. All computers do not have to act as clients and servers based on the fact that there is no need for every employee to have access to company data. The significance of the company data would be sealed with the client-server network.

Network Advantages and Drawbacks
There are pros and cons to each network resolution, but suggestions were made based on cost-effectiveness and the basic networking needs of the Bead Bar. In order to meet the needs of Bead Bar and its various locations, a strong and consistent networking system is needed. The mesh topology is perfect for businesses with various locations because of the speed and competence of the network. Some executives expressed a preference for all computers to associate with each other, and the mesh network does fit that criteria. The server that is set up in this topology does not act as a hub, which in turn helps with the speed and success of transmissions. The mesh topology is the most cost-efficient topology that would meet the needs of the Bead Bar. The mesh topology is a good fit for the Bead Bar, and there are no drawbacks to this particular networking solution.

The client-server design can be clarified as a divisive networking decision because it would regulate ease of access to company data. This proposal was based on compelling points made by some of the executives in respect to some possible security concerns that could affect the confidentiality of the company data. Some employees feel they should have access to all company data but that is not necessary. If a Bead Bar studio or franchise requires documents they do not have access to, they can send a request through the proper channels. The client-server database is suggested to protect the company overall.

Based on all networking recommendations that have been made, the Bead Bar will be able to run their business more proficiently. With suitable networking, now the database can function accurately. The executives at the Bead Bar will be quite pleased once they see results from the changes; the business will grow as a direct result of an increased exchange of ideas because of the networking topology and architecture.

Reference List
Information Systems Technology, by Ross A. Malaga.Published by Prentice Hall. Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education