Author: summit

  • Daytime Television – Creative Writing Journal Informal Essay

    Daytime Television – Creative Writing Journal Informal Essay Ah, home after a long three hour and ten minute day at school. Now it is time to relax. I sit down at the computer to check my mail and delete the spam that AOL never catches. Then I keep current on my little eBay “business” to…

  • Leading the revolution – Book Review

    Leading the revolution – Book Review “Primero le quitarán los clientes; luego, se llevarán a sus empleados y finalmente lo sacarán del negocio”. ¿Quienes?: empresas como Sephora, eBay, Virgin, Dell, Gap,, AOL, o E-trade, que son las nuevas revolucionarias de los negocios; las que con su impulso renovador se están infiltrando e influyendo sobre…

  • Chronology in Death of a Salesman – English Essay (100 Level Course)

    Chronology in Death of a Salesman – English Essay (100 Level Course) Arthur Miller uses irregular chronological sequencing to convey themes to the reader effectively. Strategically placed flashbacks help to explain what Willy is feeling and why he is struggling in life now. These flashbacks give the reader insight to the past that has caused…