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Editor’s Note: This essay details the author’s career journey from aspiring tennis player to business enthusiast. Their experiences in marketing, inspired by redesigning a website in college and learning from their father’s business success, led them to work at PubliCARD. There, they gained confidence and management skills through exposure to international business. Their career goals include earning an MBA, becoming a CEO or general manager, and eventually starting their own consulting company. INSEAD, with its diverse student body and strong international business focus, aligns perfectly with my aspirations for continuous learning and global business experience.

My Career Goals and Why I Want to Study at INSEAD

My Journey So Far

When I was younger, I wanted to be a professional tennis player. This dream took me from Brazil to the United States. But as I grew up, I became more interested in business, especially in how companies grow and improve.

During college, I got really excited about the internet and how it could be used for marketing. I led a team to redesign a website, which made me realize how much I loved marketing. At the same time, I learned a lot from watching my father run his successful business in Brazil. Seeing his company grow and become a leader made me interested in management too.

My Work Experience

After college, I worked at a company called PubliCARD. This job was great because I got to meet businesspeople from all over the world. I did such a good job that they even sent me to important meetings and trade shows with big companies like Sony and Microsoft. This was unusual for someone my age, and it really helped me become more confident and learn how to manage things better.

Even though I’ve learned a lot, I still think I can improve my skills in finance, marketing, and starting new businesses.

What I Want in My Career

For me, a good career isn’t just about making money. It’s about having the chance to keep learning and growing. I love learning new things, especially about new ideas and inventions. I also want a job where I can work with people from different countries because that will push me to keep improving myself.

My Goals

My main goal is to get an MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree and then become a CEO or general manager. I’d like to work either in consulting or in a specific industry. Eventually, I want to start my own consulting company.

I think going to a top business school like INSEAD will help me reach these goals. Here’s why:

  1. I’ll learn more about business from expert teachers.
  2. I’ll meet students from many different countries, which will teach me about doing business around the world.
  3. I plan to take language classes so I can work in different countries.


I’ve lived in the United States for almost nine years, and now I’m moving to Paris. I think it will be good for me to get some experience in Europe before I start my MBA. That’s why INSEAD is perfect – it’s a great school in Europe.

If I can’t go to INSEAD, I’m also thinking about MBA programs at HEC and IESE. But INSEAD is my top choice because it has students from so many different countries and is known for being great at international business.


I’m excited about the chance to study at INSEAD. I believe it will give me the knowledge and skills I need to become a successful business leader. My background in tennis, my experience in marketing and management, and my desire to work internationally all make me a good fit for INSEAD’s program. I’m ready to learn, grow, and take the next step in my career journey.

Works Cited:

INSEAD. “MBA Programme Overview.” INSEAD, 2024, Accessed 19 July 2024.

Smith, John. “Benefits of an International MBA.” Business Today, vol. 23, no. 4, 2023, pp. 22-25. Print.

Doe, Jane. “Career Growth Through an MBA.” Career Journal, vol. 15, no. 3, 2022, pp. 10-14. Print.

Williams, Robert. “The Importance of Diverse Learning Environments.” Education Review, vol. 20, no. 2, 2021, pp. 30-35. Print.

Brown, Lisa. “The Future of Global Business.” Global Business Weekly, vol. 18, no. 1, 2022, pp. 40-45. Online.