Day: August 9, 2010

  • An Overview of Environmental Ethics

    The term environmental ethics has been used fairly recently when discussing the impact we have on the world around us even though we have always been tasked with protecting the earths resources. We will discuss some of the early environmental issues that mankind faced, the focus that it’s been given in the past three decades,…

  • Key Historical Figures in Statistics

    Some of the key statisticians, in history, are John Graunt, Jacques Bernoulli, Ronald Fisher, Galileo, Blaise Pascal, and Pierre de Fermat. They each had their own theories, inputs, and contributions which aided in the development of statistics.

  • The Coral Reef

    The marine organisms which took most interest to me were coral reefs, due to the fact I’m from the east coast and more so island oriented also that I am Haitian/Jamaican. The climate is tropical and the waters are full of coral reefs and vibrant organisms within the water. The perception is that coral reefs…

  • Electronic Medical Records

    “The most amazing thing about 21st century medicine is that it’s held together by 19th century paperwork,” Thompson said. “Health information technology promises huge benefits, and we need to move quickly across many fronts to capture these benefits.” (Still, 2005)