Day: May 26, 2008

  • Global Warming – Where do you stand?

    Global warming is becoming a bigger issue every day. There are, however, many ways to look at this situation. One way you could look at it is that, “human activity is accelerating climate change,” according to many scientists. Another way to look at it, as some scientists say, is that “while global warming is occurring,…

  • Financial Statements

    Financial statements are important in providing an overview of the company’s financial condition both in short and long term. Financial statements should be understandable, relevant, reliable, and comparable and are used by owners, managers, investors to help them make important business decisions. The audience, purpose, and nature of financial statements and managerial reports will be…

  • Employee Motivation within Domino’s Pizza

    In modern society, motivation is still considered a contentious issue within management circles. The key for managers is to understand and utilise the numerous motivational factors that affect employees within the workplace. Financial rewards are regarded as a key factor in workplace motivation; however, additional factors such as work appreciation, variety, and security remain just…

  • Effects of Parenting and Peer Pressure on Adolscent Sexual Activity

    What prompts adolescents to engage in sexual activity in regards to peer pressure, parental guide and religious beliefs? Approximately one in every five adolescents have had sexual intercourse by his/her fifteenth birthday. Recent studies have shown that peer pressure has the strongest impact on adolescents decision making towards sexual activity. Parenting and religion have been…